I got curious. Sue me.

Jun 02, 2013 20:51

So, 50 Shades of Grey is a big steaming pile of crap. Not that I was expecting a masterpiece or anything, but when an author is so bad, she makes S'meyer look like freaking D.H. Lawrence by comparison...yeah, you know she's got issues. o.O

The really irritating thing? People kept assuming I would like this book because I love the movie Secretary. ( Read more... )

random weirdness

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Comments 6

jacobs_muse June 3 2013, 02:43:23 UTC

A writer I know took one for the team and read the series and gave us commentary. Which was hilarious. She said the writing itself did improve for books 2 and 3 but they're still not good stories.


goldenusagi June 3 2013, 03:12:20 UTC
It's embarrassingly bad, isn't it?


slaymesoftly June 3 2013, 13:29:25 UTC
I've given up responding to people (non-fannish people) who ask me if I've read it, etc. I end up foaming at the mouth at some point during the conversation. LOL Not even curious enough to actually read it, but I've seen enough excerpts from it to have a pretty good idea - not to mention the comments about it from people whose opinions I respect....


myownmuggle June 3 2013, 14:45:54 UTC
Best version I ever heard of 50 Shades of Grey was the Washington Nationals bullpen pitchers reading a section of it at the MLB Fan Cave last year. I nearly died from the laughter.


cal_turner June 3 2013, 15:09:31 UTC
I couldn't get past the first chapter. I couldn't believe just how bad it was!


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