Welcome to Un_history, an UnNatural History Community. This is a place dedicated to the Cartoon Network show UnNatural History.
Here's a basic run down on the rules:
01. Please keep your posts on topic.
02. No flaming or dissing fellow fan and/or any of their work. Negative reviews or just plain bashing is not welcome here.
03. Please us an lj-cut. Anything that has to be under a cut is anything containing spoilers, larger artwork, more than 5 icons, and fic over 200 words.
04. If you're posting fic, please include the following in the header: title, rating, warnings/spoilers and summary. Feel free to include anything else you may want but that is the minimum.
05. Tags are your friends. Please use them.
06. No linking to locked posts or disabling comments. Please don't mess with the basic settings either. As pretty as it may seem, no one really enjoys reading yellow font on a white background.
07. Contact a mod before prompting another community here please. Mods can be reached via PM. Any promo post without approval will be deleted.
Just remember this is a place to have fun.
Thank you, your mod,