Just to compare, last year's "A Very Supernatural Christmas" aired about a week and a half before Christmas. It was the season's 8th episode. This year, the tenth episode aired a week before Thanksgiving. Of course, season 4 started in mid-Sep, whereas season 3 didn't start until the first week in Oct, but still, that's quite a discrepancy.
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Comments 5
Man, Dean is so messed up. Not only did he not want Sam to see him vulnerable, I think he couldn't face Sam, because he didn't want to see how Sam would take what he was saying. Doesn't matter whether Sam would be forgiving or mad, if Dean had to see his reaction he would never have gotten through his story. He was barely holding it together as it was, poor guy. And yes, Sam should have hugged him!! If ever Dean needed a hug, that would be the time.
Ruby needs a more fleshed out motivation NOW. I thought for a while we might actually get it, when she went off to meet with Alistair. Instead we got the torture scene, which was mightily uncomfortable to watch. Guess that's kinda the point of a torture scene, though, huh. Oh, and also to give us a parallel to Dean's tale at the end.
I read what erinrua said at supernatural_tv, and I think I'm ready for a hiatus, too. Hopefully it'll give fandom (and me) an opportunity to settle back down after the heaviness of the past couple episodes.
I was going to say that both Ruby actresses were one-note. Cassidy's Ruby was all bitchy attitude. But when I tried to find a word for Cortese's Ruby, I couldn't think of anything. She's been better in the last couple episodes, but she still doesn't do anything for me. I'm still wondering why Ruby's there. They either need to have her purpose grow (is there more she can teach Sam; does she have a hidden agenda, what is it?) or get rid of her.
I'm really out of touch with the fandom. I was shocked at how many people, both at TWoP & LJ, who've hated the episode. AND hated the sex scene. Granted, the hand on the fogged window was a bit much (and I've never liked setting the sex scenes to vocal music, it's too distracting for my ADD brain), but I thought it was the most tasteful of all (4?) they've done.
Being out of touch with the fandom is NOT a bad thing, IMO. :)
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