Review: 『オアシスと砂漠~Love on the planet~』

Jan 25, 2009 13:51

So, last night, I went to see "Oasis and Desert - Love on the Planet". When going to plays that are original, we usually go in with absolutely no idea what is going to happen in the show. So far, this has proven to be a really amazing experience, getting to test my Japanese ability and get to see actors I might never see normally ( Read more... )

鎌苅健太, review, ミュージカル, on/off

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Comments 28

blodeuedd January 25 2009, 05:28:04 UTC
The snow was important because in their first scene together, Shiori was saying how she really wanted to travel, to discover lots of amazing places in the world, while Mamiya said he'd never left the town and was content to read about other places.

Later, when they decided to leave together, he told her about a dream he'd had. He was leaving town alone, about to go somewhere, but he didn't know where, but he was happy and at peace. It didn't matter, he was just excited about going someplace new, and it started to snow.

So when it actually did start to snow, his reaction was "It's just like my dream! So why is this happening in the middle of all this violence?!"

And we all know how the "leaving town alone" turned out...


umbrellaofdoom January 25 2009, 05:30:57 UTC

Oh well that's just worse then. *goes back to Not!Crying over this show* I want to go again. XD


llamachan January 25 2009, 06:27:41 UTC
omg, I would have loved to have seen this! Damn you, inaka. XD


umbrellaofdoom January 25 2009, 06:32:56 UTC
Lol, you need to stop blaming the inaka and more the people who put you there. XD JET's the only school that insists on inaka placements. XD


llamachan January 25 2009, 06:36:04 UTC
It's not insisting, it's the fact that JETs are hella expensive and the only places willing to pay for us are generally inaka. We have JETs in Kyoto City, and we all want to kill them. =D Oh well. Despite me bitching, I like Yosano. I would never visit this area of Japan if I wasn't placed here, and despite the rural, it's gorgeous.

And I turned in my intent forms, now it's just waiting.


umbrellaofdoom January 25 2009, 06:44:03 UTC
During my interviews, I was told that JETs were put in the inaka because the cities didn't need globalization, there were enough foreigners there. ALTs in general are expensive. JETs are just over priced way more expensive because they work 40 hours a week. We're all here, partly to teach, partly to bring international understanding. Normally, Interac is the same inaka thing, I just lucked out that my contract is more to bring international tolerance. XD Thank you base~~ XD


sakube_yamu January 25 2009, 08:09:43 UTC
Thank you so much for writing this, I really appreciate your detailed report! I couldn't come to the stage because omgog Japan no money, hahaha. But it really seems to me that KenKen is a really great actor, from your report! I was surprised that Toshi is there too! Hahaha. Thank you so much for this. Reaaally enjoyed reading it. I really hope they will have the DVD!


umbrellaofdoom January 25 2009, 08:17:50 UTC
Toshi was AWESOME. It was so much fun to get to seem him live, and I was SO excited when I realized it was him on the cast list.

But, yeah, Kenken last night was just... it was amazing. There's something about seeing these boys act in a role that doesn't involve fanservice or anything idol-ish that is simply stunning. And to see him play someone so head over heels in love was awesome, because oh god, the fan service is nice but seeing them go gaga over a girl is SO much better. XD All of us after were just like "...we want a boy to look at us the way Kenken was looking at her *_*"


sakube_yamu January 25 2009, 10:23:01 UTC
Aaaah, I wish I could watch also. Toshi is really adorable, so I would love to see him there as well!

Yeah like what you said, he always gets the pouty or angry characters, and now this is a whole different role yet he pulled it off really well -- it's just so amazing, how he does it really well. Hahaha, if I watched it I bet I would feel the same as you and your friends. (*_*)


tenimyugirl January 25 2009, 08:13:23 UTC
Wow, The show sounds just wonderful! I'm glad someone who speaks english went so you tell us about it.

:D Now i really with i could see it, Keken is awesome.

sorry for the deleted comment, my fingers never like to type things correctly


umbrellaofdoom January 25 2009, 08:21:21 UTC
I only wish I could afford to go see all of these shows! I've got a pile of fliers of all these other projects the boys have, and I'm starting to realize just how much we don't hear about back home, simply because there's so few of us here who have the money to go to the shows, and the time to write up the reports. And because there are sometimes two or three running in one weekend.

But, whenever I do see a show, I plan on writing up a review when I can! :D


tenimyugirl January 25 2009, 23:20:01 UTC
yes, I remember seeing things everywhere when i was in Japan. It's really exciting xD
I look forward to reading future reviews then 8D


gekidasa January 25 2009, 13:19:51 UTC
I didn't really read the summary parts, because I want to be unspoiled if there IS a DVD, but I'm really happy to hear that you're so impressed with the quality of the show, and specially with Kenken's acting. I've loved him all this time in Tenimyu, and Puri Puri and the other things he's done, but it will be wonderful if this marks the start of him moving on to do bigger and better things. He deserves it. XD


umbrellaofdoom January 25 2009, 14:29:08 UTC
I believe I saw that there is going to be a DVD release on some websites, but I can't remember where I saw that so I'll just wait to see that.

Yeah, Kenken has always been one of my favourites, but a lot of his work outside of Tenimyu never really sparked my interest, or I just wasn't here to see his other stage work. But seeing this was really refreshing, because not only was he working in a medium that I enjoy the most, but he was role that wasn't him playing around in a suit or dress or being a grumpy Shishipi. AND, I always give major props to letting myuboys play straight, and be romantic, and actually acting like a guy I could believe myself falling for. Because butlers and guys in dresses are pretty, but they just don't do it for me in reality.


gekidasa January 25 2009, 16:36:36 UTC
I hope there's a DVD. And if there is, I hope I can afford to get it.

Kenken and Kazuki are my two favorite myu boys (joined by Yuu-chan recently :D), and I'm really glad that Kazuki gets to have his music career, and in the same veing, I really hope that after Tenimyu is all over, Kenken will have grown and that his career as an actor will go on for a long time... specially after that interview he did recently where he says he wants to do more serious work that really means something.

As for the fanservice, I enjoy the silliness as much as anyone, and obviously I play at RPS just as much as anyone, but I totally know what you mean, and I agree. ;D


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