'why are umbrellas still umbrellas?' [blind_go + author's notes]

May 29, 2008 15:36

I have a lot of things to say about this fic. It was my first Hikago fic, and for a public "exchange", no less, so I was really nervous about the whole thing at first. I had other ideas for fics, but I chose to go with this one because Sai is a character that I simply adore, and the series revolves around him so much -- he's the one who starts the ( Read more... )

hikago, gen, fic, sai

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Comments 2

ontogenesis June 7 2008, 11:50:50 UTC
It was really interesting to read your author's notes. I liked the moon scene too - I think that scene really shows the sense of wonder that Sai has, as well as the reality of what it would mean to have a being who is so very old experiencing modern life. The moon also worked well with Akira because (as serious and down-to-earth as he is) he also has a dreamy, mystical side to him. After all, he is the one who found Sai in Hikaru.

Hahah, the frog hatred! I asked some of my Japanese co-workers about this, and they immediately made faces (a man and a woman). Apparently they hated the little suction cups on the frog fingers' or something. I'll have to remember to work that into my story.

Are you doing fifthmus?


umarekawareru June 7 2008, 17:04:10 UTC
The moon also worked well with Akira because (as serious and down-to-earth as he is) he also has a dreamy, mystical side to him. After all, he is the one who found Sai in Hikaru. Yes, so much yes. If these aren't the same words I told my beta when we were discussing it, they're really similar. <3

The frog hatred should be a fic XD If someone wrote it, I would love them forever. It's just the kind of thing that would happen to Sai, a ghost being haunted! (by frogs) XD Oh god, can you imagine Sai at self-help group? "Hello. I am Sai." "Hello, Sai!" "I... have a problem." XDD

Yup, I am! :D


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