kawaiiayu asked me to do a chapter listing of Rin's appearances in Furuba, and a list of the Haru/Rin chapters. Figured I might as well put it in here where it's easy for me to update it if I want to. (Haven't updated my website since, oh, February or March. Really have to get Chris to show me how to work with the new code.) Can anyone think of anything I've missed? I did this kind of quickly . . .
(Add it to your Memories this time, Laura-chan. ^^)
[EDIT on January 6, 2007: this post is now up to date for information on the entire series.]
Haru and Rin
Volume 8
Chapters 43 and 45: Rin doesn't actually appear in these, but they're the chapters where Haru tells Yuki about her
Volume 12
Chapter 69: Flashbacks to the two of them visiting Yuki when he was kept locked up. Later, Haru finds Rin fighting with Yuki and tells her it's not nice to call people names like "bastard"
Chapter 70: Long emotional scene between them
Volume 14
The volume includes a filler sketch of Haru comparing their heights.
Chapters 78-79: Rin's interpretation of their relationship
Chapter 81: Haru tells Yuki that he visited Rin in the hospital (and the nurses threw him out for upsetting her; this also results in her not allowing ANY male visitors)
Volume 15
Chapter 89: Hiro accidentally hints that he knows something about Haru and Rin's relationship; Haru takes it lightly (but in ch. 104 he asks Hiro about it, revealing that it's been eating at him)
Volume 16
Chapter 95: Haru finds Rin at Kazuma's at New Year's
Volume 18
Chapter 104: Haru remembers some of their relationship; learns the truth about their breakup from Hiro
Chapter 105: color image of them for the cover; Haru's confrontation with Akito
Chapter 106: Haru finds Rin on the sidewalk; they reconcile
Chapter 107: Haru (along with Tohru and Yuki) visits Rin at Kazuma's; they talk privately when he's leaving
Volume 21
Chapter 123: A panel of them together as Haru remembers telling Rin about Tohru's accident.
For vol. 22 and 23, just scroll down to the bottom of the post--Haru's in all of the chapters Rin is in these volumes, and there's no point duplicating the information. ^_^
Volume 7
Chapter 38: First mention of Rin by name (Hatori and Shigure discussing her hospitalization), but no visual
Volume 8
Chapter 43: Haru's first mention of Rin, although her name isn't used
Chapter 45: Haru and Yuki discuss Rin by name
Chapter 48: Rin's first appearance (Hiro visiting her in the hospital)
Volume 9
Chapter 53: Rin goes to visit Shigure
Volume 10
Chapter 54: Hiro notices Rin through the window at the Main House; Rin and Tohru are in the chapter's splash page
Chapter 55: Hiro thinks about Rin while talking to Haru
Volume 11
Chapter 60: Rin has a mild argument with Kagura as she leaves the house to go to the beach house
Chapter 61: Yuki sees Rin on the beach; he and Tohru find her transformed; Rin fights with them and later wrecks a sandcastle in a fit of temper
Chapter 62: There's a shot of Rin on the chapter's first page
Volume 12
Chapter 67: Rin goes to Kazuma's house and interacts with Tohru, Kunimitsu, and Kazuma
Chapter 69: Yuki remembers Rin visiting him with Haru when they were all children; talks to Haru about her; asks Kagura about her; runs into her outside Shigure's house, where Haru finds them. She and Hiro are on the chapter's splash page.
Chapter 70: emotional scene with Haru
Chapter 71: Shigure has a flashback to Rin talking to him about Tohru, and about the way he treats people.
Volume 13
nada, but Rin's on the cover (and the wake-up picture, and the 'thanks!' page)
Volume 14
Chapters 78-79: Rin's backstory, motivations, POV on her relationship with Haru
Chapter 80: Rin at Shigure's house
Chapter 81: Rin submits to returning to the hospital
Chapter 82: Tohru visits Rin in the hospital
Volume 15
Chapter 84: In Yuki's flashback to a New Year's when he was a child, Rin is shown listening to Shigure and Ayame's conversation.
Volume 16
Chapter 95: Rin spends New Year's at Kazuma's
Volume 17
Chapter 96: Tohru confirms her suspicions that Rin and Haru have a history
Chapter 98: Rin sees the very end of Kureno's conversation with Tohru
Chapter 101: Tohru tries to find Rin at school and learns she's been absent; Rin's hands are shown pressed against a window
Volume 18
Chapter 103: Kagura tells Shigure and Hatori that she's worried about Rin; shot of Akito with the scissors and Rin's hair on the floor
Chapter 104: Lots of shots of Haru thinking about her; Kureno finds her with her hair cut
Chapter 105: Again, shots of Haru thinking about her; waking up in the hospital
Chapter 106: Rin's memory of the events leading to her imprisonment; dream-like thought process; Haru finding her and carrying her away
Chapter 107: Rin is visited by Haru, Yuki, and Tohru at Kazuma's; talks privately with Haru, and later with Shigure
Volume 19
Chapter 108: Rin is shown a little in Tohru's thoughts
Chapter 111: Rin and Kagura are arguing at the end of the chapter
Volume 20
Chapter 114: Tohru admits her feelings about Kyo to Rin, leading to Kagura knocking Tohru out and Rin freaking at Kagura. It's also revealed that Rin is an artist
Volume 21
Chapter 123: There's a panel of Rin huddled on the floor after Tohru is hospitalized; also, a flashback panel shows Haru telling her about the accident. And although she isn't in the scene, we learn from Haru's conversation with Yuki that "her bust has gotten bigger again".
Volume 22
Chapter 130: Rin is freed from the Jyuunishi curse, at the same time as Haru and everyone else who had still been possessed, and is one of the characters who cries as she is released.
Chapter 131: Rin and Haru see Kyo, Tohru, and Kazuma after they all realize that the curse has broken for everyone; Rin hangs back from the others at first, until Haru makes her come into the room with them.
Volume 23
Chapter 132: The former 12shi go to the Main House after Akito summons them. Rin sits off by herself (and gives Yuki a look of death after Haru tells him that he loves him), until Haru comes and rumples her hair after she glares at them. The two of them are sitting together when Akito appears in a woman's kimono, revealing her gender.
Chapter 133: Rin hears Kazuma, Tohru, and Kyo talking about their new situation, and calls them all idiots for taking everything so calmly. Afterwards, she tells Tohru that she can't forgive Akito for everything that's happened, and admits that she's scared that it's her fault for being unable to deal with it as well as everyone else is. She also worries that Haru might stop loving her if she's always so negative and afraid. Tohru says that's impossible, and offers to go call Haru to prove it; Rin yells at her to stop her, but Haru coincidentally comes over at the end of the chapter, embarrassing her.
Chapter 136 [SERIES FINALE]: Rin, Haru, and Momiji discuss Kyo and Tohru moving away; Rin claims that she doesn't care, but the boys teasingly contradict her, saying she's "angry" (Momiji) and "sulking" (Haru). During this scene, Rin is shown working in her sketchbook. The final image of her in the series shows her curled up contentedly in Haru's arms.