First, a new[1] word for the day: Omniism, the belief that everything has a meaning and the opposite of nihilism. Also, it has a double i; how cool is that?
[1]new as in we made it up. I doubt it is a "real" word.
cut for discussion of world hunger and human nature )
Comments 19
Actually, it's usually a politics problem. A great many of the starving people live in places where the local "authorities" (government, or warlords, or whomever) don't actually want to get food to the hungry, because the starving folks are a hated group and/or they would support rivals and/or controlling the food supply is how those in power maintain their power and/or those in power just don't care).
I see, of course, that your discussion gets political also; I'm just opining that it's an intrinsically political problem from the start.
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