Title: Opening your Eyes to the Unknown
Characters: Yazoo, open to all.
When: Now
Where: City of World That Never Was
Warnings: TBA
Summary: Remnant exploring and figuring out where the heck he is, and why he's here. Where his brothers are etc
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"Hello?" Wasn't sure if he was another Sephroth or not, but from behind, he did remind Cloud of the Seph he had first met, if taller.
Turning fully to the male, he looked at him, "Cloud," he mused, the tone seemed almost bitter when he let the other's name roll off his lips.
"Are you one of the new SOLDIERs?" Okay, so it was creepy how much this one looked like Seph, but he definitely wasn't the man. And the only people that Cloud thought would know him were SOLDIERs, cause they were the ones he dealt with most, even if he was a unehanced person..
Okay, so it might be this guy knew another Cloud, but it was a kneejerk reaction to the eyes and the fact he knew Cloud's name.
"No," he replied, though something was off about Cloud. He seemed, different, as if he was unaware of the remnant as a threat to him as if he didn't know. That seemed almost... amusing. Perhaps, he could say knew another Cloud, as well, he probably did, only they looked exactly like the one that was standing before him, only different, older maybe?
"Have you forgotten us already, brother?" he mused, the word 'brother' sounded almost bitter. Yet, he wanted to see what sort of reaction he would get, if his assumptions were true, that this was Cloud...only not at the same time, at least not the one he knew.
She didn't see any other people with silver hair anywhere and slipped her EMR out of her pocket and flicked it open with practiced ease. She stepped out of the shadows as she set her EMR against her shoulder.
"Hate to tell ya, but your mom's dead," she said with her usual sarcasm.
Pulling Velvet Nightmare out of the place it was held, he turned almost effortlessly to face the Turk, the weapon aimed towards him, and a rather flat expression plastered on the remnant's face, when he realized who it was. Though, there was something off. He could have recalled that the red head was well, male. The one that stood before him was quite female. What sort of place is this, exactly? He didn't move, but the gun aimed at Reno as if he was ready to shoot the Turk through.
"Don't insult Mother... Turk," the use of 'turk' was quite bitter, almost, wreaking with venom.
She just raised one eyebrow at the gun and shrugged a bit. As long as the other two weren't around, she could try and fight without getting too hurt. As for the way Turk was said, it didn't bother her at all. She was used to hearing people say it like that.
"Your 'Mother' is dead. You're supposed to be dead along with her," she said, EMR still ready to use.
"Mother is not dead," he replied monotone, "Mother... she's here," he mused lowly, though uncertain, but he was not doubting that Mother had abandoned him. Dead? He didn't recall that, in fact he was pretty much alive and breathing, "Afraid not...Turk," he replied, a dark look to him as well, he just fired his weapon dead aim at Reno.
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