Yesterday, I drafted a pattern for an underbust corset for
rhube, according to
the method I blogged about a few weeks ago. I haven't made the toile yet, but I thought I'd post pictures of the pattern drafting process, as they'll probably be a bit more useful than my shoddy diagrams in the last post!
Image intensive )
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If you've got any spare time today, and fancy spending half an hour cutting out the pattern pieces, I'm keen to get the toile made. Yup, I'm a busy lazy git, and can't be arsed to cut the pieces myself :P The cotton's on top of the dining room shelves, and it'll be better to mark it with pen than tailor's chalk, as it's easier to see :P
I've never drafted for anyone with those exact measurements before (I've only been making corsets for a few years, and am still a beginner really), but if I was, here's what I'd do:
At point two, I would add those five inches to the amount of reduction you want at the waist, and then divide that number according to the amount of seams that you will have. So, in effect, this spreads those five inches over over the whole pattern at the waistline, and you can then take the waist in as much as you like, to suit anyone, while still starting from the box.
I'd love to know how yours turns out :D
You might already have seen it, but corsetmakers has a lot of really great info on pattern drafting and construction (and far more sophisticated than anything I could come up with!)
Best of luck for your project!
And while I'm thinking of links, someone recently posted a more sophisticated method which it's worth checking out if you've not already seen it :D
do u by any chance know where i could get a descent looking costume?
I'm sorry that I don't know anywhere that does that kind of costume. Have you tried or ready_to_wear? I don't know where I'd go for that kind of thing, but I'd start with those communities, and maybe etsy or eBay (being very careful to choose a vendor with a good reputation, obviously).
I hope you find a good costume :)
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