Title: The Mathematician and the Sniper (M&S)
Author: Uld_Ases
Chapter: 01/??
Pairing: Charlie/Ian
Rating: G (for this chapter)
Disclaimer: Don’t own Numb3rs
Warnings/Squicks: Light Bashing!Amita
Summary: What they thought about each other.
Previous chapters: xxx
Notes: First Ian/Charlie, enjoy!
Beta(s): none
Graphics (size, and artist): xxx
Ian Edgerton had found Charlie Eppes fascinating from the moment he laid eyes on the young teacher. Ian knew that math; physics came into consideration in the trade as a sniper. But it was instinctive. The necessary calculations (firing angle, distance ...), he was made naturally, without thinking. It took little time for the mathematician to find where the shooter had been ambushed, a few meters close. Ian was fascinated, without knowing why. The more he talked to Charlie, the more he could see the real passion for his beloved mathematics. As much as he had for the weapons and shooting. Well. Ian could escape facing another passionate. And he loved the debates.
Charlie Eppes had found Ian Edgerton immediately exasperating. Then he realized, later, Ian was also a perfectionist in his trade that Charlie was in his. And Charlie did pass Ian from "exasperating agent who knows everything and does not hesitate to let me know" to "agent perfectionist who could become a good friend. "Through discussions with the sniper, Charlie felt a kind of connection, which took place only between people very passionate. Charlie liked these discussions. And he was surprised that the departure of the agent was accompanied by a feeling of void difficult to fill. Ian would be back sooner or later. And he hoped it was sooner.
Over the joint missions, Ian realized one thing: the teacher was clumsy with the society. It was also noticed Ramanujan had a crush on the teacher and Ian had discovered something he did not like. She did not like Charlie, she loved Professor Eppes. And it was intolerable. Charlie had some amazing qualities that made him loved by everyone or almost. Even Marshall Penfield, his rival, adored (secretly) Charlie. When he wanted to know how advanced the relationship between Charlie and the young Indian, Don told him it was not good at all. Apparently, Amita did not hesitate to criticize Charlie for seemingly trivial things. Penfield had even asked Don to keep an eye on Amita. The first time they met, she had practically invited him in her bedroom. She told him that "since Charlie can’t do anything as long as I am his student I’m not going to deprive myself of fun." Any hope of seeing his brother happy with someone who could understand him and bring him back on the ground of ordinary people had flown in that time. Alan did not like either. And Amita was no longer welcomed in the house of Eppes.
When Ian came into Charlie’s office and the professor saw him, his face brightened. And Ian was quite confused. Even if he didn’t show (or at least he hoped). He could not understand where this fascination with the youngest came. He liked Charlie. Correction. He loved Charlie. And he sighed mentally. Falling in love with the young teacher was not part of his plan, not at all. But seeing the illuminated face of the young man (especially knowing he was the cause) Ian was feeling butterflies in his chest. And he was certain. He was in love. Truly, madly, deeply. Ah! Damn.