Title: Another Place
Rating: G
Fandom: U-Kiss
Theme set/prompt: Fantasy/06 - magic
Summary: Eli wakes up not where he fell unconscious.
Author's Notes (optional): Okay, I admit it. I took the idea (loosely) from the Neverland MV. And a walk through "Lair of the Bear" above Morrison with my mom probably only added to the idea (or started it…).
Disclaimer: Not Mine, Not true
Inspiration from
10_what_ifs Eli had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn't dreaming when he woke up to falling snow.
Snow. In the desert? Never mind that he didn't think he would wake up at all.
He had to pinch himself again when he realized he wasn't in the desert. The ground under him felt like the sand he'd collapsed on… um, when he couldn't go any further, but he lay in what looked like a ring of stones. He couldn't see much beyond them, for the snow and the lack of light. How late was it? It'd been full day when he'd collapsed.
He'd heard about random magic happening, but he'd never heard about this. Or why it would pick someone up and put them somewhere else. Or why it would pick on him.
By the time he felt he could get up he was freezing. Which wasn't much better than burning, except as a quicker death. At least he'd be comfortable, if the stories were true. Which it seemed they were. Still… he'd much rather live, so he staggered to his feet and looked around, hugging himself. He'd already started to shiver. Torn pants and a light sleeveless shirt was no match for this weather. On the other hand…. With snow came ice, right? And ice was water. He needed water.
He realized then that he wasn't alone, but he couldn't tell if the others were as confused as he was, or if he should try to get out of there because they represented a threat. They stood between the stones, six of them spaced evenly about him. No real way to go and he wasn't very strong right now, but one of them looked small enough….
"You look cold," one said, interrupting his thoughts.
Eli spun, trying to figure out who'd spoken, and staggered to stay upright. "I was in the desert when I fell asleep," he said, his teeth chattering.
"Stop messing around, geez you guys…." One of them stepped closer and threw his cape around Eli. He flinched back before he realized what the boy meant to do, but it still settled around his shoulders and warmed him immediately. "I'm Kevin. Come on in and get warm, and see what you've gotten yourself into." He tugged on Eli's arm and Eli followed, out of the circle of stones (summoning?) and into a cave, down into warmth. He didn't even realize the others had followed them until they fanned out to surround the fire Kevin sat him down by.
"We can't help it if Kibum doesn't tell us what or who he's summoned or why," one of the boys pointed out. "AJ almost killed us before he knew we were there to help."
"I already apologized for that," another (apparently named AJ) protested. "Profusely. Do you want it again?"
"No!" A chorus, and an added, "Shut up about that, Kiseop," from a man in the doorway, not one of the six. "Welcome, Eli." He handed a cup to the boy nearest him, who passed it along.
Eli pulled the cloak closer around him and wished for water. "You know me?" he asked, only half paying attention.
"Of course," Kevin said, handing him the cup with water in it. "He brought you here."