Mrs.Robertson told us that she didn't have a cell phone. And the more I think about it, the more insane it sounds. At first I was like oh cool finally someone who doesn't need one. But if you think about it...what if he son gets sick or whatever. Cell phones are handy dandy.
hello new friend. I agree, handphones are the very source of social networking. Funny how reliant we are on them, it's like whenever we're without them we feel paranoid and at loss. Pity mine's always set on silent so I never know when i get texts and stuff, lol oh welll. Hope you find your charger soon.
Comments 5
It feels like you're so disconnected with the rest of the world.
And the more I think about it, the more insane it sounds.
At first I was like oh cool finally someone who doesn't need one.
But if you think about it...what if he son gets sick or whatever.
Cell phones are handy dandy.
or gimme your email so i can add you.
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