Fic: Racktime

Jan 29, 2010 07:15

Title: Racktime
Author: Ria
Rating: NC-17 / MA
Pairing: Laura/Lee
Spoiler: none, I'd say, well 33, but...
Summary: A "33" add-on. PWP.
Disclaimer: Characters are property of RDM and Universal Pictures.
Author's Note: Written for missbevcrusher who kindly gave her permission for this to be shared ( Read more... )

pairing: laura/lee, fic, fic: bsg, series: bsg

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Comments 30

sira01 January 29 2010, 06:52:54 UTC
Happy, happy sigh.
This totally reminds me of my guilty pleasure when it comes to this pairing.
We already know I'm delusional, right? *g*
Anyway, this is written exceptionally well, it's hot and it made me smile BIG time!
Thanks so much for sharing!


ufp13 January 29 2010, 06:57:18 UTC
That is a VERY guilty pleasure... I'm still trying to figure out the appeal of it. Nothing against cougar!kink, but... LEE?! *lol*

Anyway, glad to be of service and happy to make you smile. *hugs*


sira01 January 29 2010, 07:08:41 UTC
Waaaaaaaah, don't mention cougar!kink.... this might give me plot bunnies. *laughs loudly*

This, hon, is a decent story, it deserves to be enjoyed! So you're a dear for posting it!


ufp13 January 29 2010, 07:13:46 UTC
THOSE blot punnies would scare me!!!

Sometimes, I respond to kicks. ;)


bsg_aussiegirl January 29 2010, 08:08:12 UTC
That was hot. I just imagined it was Bill and not Lee. LOL.


ufp13 January 29 2010, 08:16:46 UTC
I approve of that!


bsg_aussiegirl January 29 2010, 08:18:12 UTC
Of course she'd still be there if it was Bill. She's not that crazy to up and leave him.


ufp13 January 29 2010, 08:23:38 UTC
Which girl in her right mind would leave him? o.O
Not to mention that Bill wouldn't have to dream of her, he'd just have the real thing. :D


shayenne January 29 2010, 08:15:18 UTC
Ahhhh, great stuff!!! Hot. Although at the beginning, I'm thinking, 'wtf, there'd be a zillion pilots zipping past while he's bonking her', at the end all became clear!!

I really, really miss BSG. *sigh*


ufp13 January 29 2010, 08:20:36 UTC
Thank you! *giggles* Dreams are the only way for me to write that pairing because I can see him desiring her, but I just can't wrap my mind around her wanting him.

Me toooooooo. *sighs along*


sczep84 January 29 2010, 12:13:45 UTC
Damn this was hot stuff and hahaha I love the end! *pats Lee*


ufp13 January 29 2010, 15:24:23 UTC
*giggles* Thanks. :)
What can I say? Lee's a tool. (sorry, Lee lovers)


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