Fic: Of A Dream Come True

May 22, 2009 06:31

Title: Of A Dream Come True
Author: Ria
Rating: NC-17 / MA
Pairing: Laura/Sean
Spoiler: 4x20 - Daybreak II & III
Summary: What happened before she threw him out. Prequel to Leftover: Frustration
Disclaimer: Characters are property of RDM and Universal Pictures.
Author's Note: I took some artistic licence with Laura's clothes and Sean's ( Read more... )

fic, fic: bsg, pairing: laura/sean, series: bsg

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Comments 7

sira01 May 22 2009, 10:25:09 UTC
I'm still not quite coherent but let me give this a try.
I was really doubtful if it would work, a whole fic from Sean's perspective, but it does. You made this guy alive for me. How you portrayed him rang true to me. It's a good fic, has depth, explains canon splendidly and will win the first place in Make Sean Happy. :D

Thanks so much for sharing.


ufp13 May 22 2009, 10:51:29 UTC
*blushes* Thank you very much, hon. *hugs*

It's not really canon... it was you who pointed out his expression/mood being AU. *lol*

but... uhmm... you sure he wouldn't have been happier had she let him please her as he had wanted to?


sira01 May 22 2009, 11:30:38 UTC
Well, that's a good question. Yes, I do think he would've been even more happy if she had left him pleasure her but I guess he's not quite that 'grown up' that he knows what he's really missing. As he thought himself, outside the house, it's a dream come true. :D


unavitasegreta May 22 2009, 15:39:58 UTC
Uh ... so ... uhm ... well ...

Ok, yeah, coherency isn't coming. A few words do pop into my mind:
DAMN. HOT. Daaaamn.

I am glad you did a companion piece. I like how they fit together but tell two different stories of the same event.


ufp13 May 22 2009, 16:01:26 UTC
*LOL* I think Laura would disagree (at least with the hot part). ;D However, I'm glad you think so despite it not being rewarding (for her).

This one here I actually started before the other, with the plan to have him fumble and be overly careful and blah... then someone planted the idea of a DIY-fic in my head and the story line grew... and Sean refused to be careful and tender and blah - and I ended up with two rather different stories that only work due to the different PoVs. Glad to hear it does work, though. :)

Thank you, dear!


lynchgrrrl88 November 8 2009, 12:12:35 UTC
I'm pretty sure i'd do exactly what Sean did in this story if I ever, in my wildest dreams got the chance. Poor lad! haha, great fic! Thanks for posting :)


ufp13 November 8 2009, 12:30:56 UTC
Thanks for reading! :)


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