Fic: Leftover: Frustration

Mar 28, 2009 07:24

Title: Leftover: Frustration
Author: Ria
Rating: NC-17 / MA
Pairing/Character(s): Laura/Sean, Laura
Spoiler: 4x20 - Daybreak II & III
Summary: What happened after she had thrown him out.
Disclaimer: Characters are property of RDM and Universal Pictures.
Author's Note: I had started a fic about what happened from Sean's PoV, but in the end, ( Read more... )

fic, fic: bsg, pairing: laura/sean, series: bsg

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Comments 4

unavitasegreta March 28 2009, 15:09:44 UTC
Aaaaww, poor Laura. You make me sad for her - though at least she did get her release. You really captured her inner turmoil and thoughts that led her to become who she was so that her destiny could be fulfilled.


ufp13 March 28 2009, 15:26:42 UTC
I couldn't help it, she didn't look happy when she looked in the mirror, when he called for her... well-frakked looks different imo. *shrug*
However, it makes me happy that it rings true.
Thank you! :)


sira01 March 28 2009, 17:39:47 UTC
Still love it. :-) It rings true to what I think is goint through her head at this time.
Good job, hon!

Sorry that I'm not more coherent.


ufp13 March 30 2009, 15:57:37 UTC
Thank you. Your opinion always means a lot to me - as you should know. :) *HUGS*


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