Fic: In the End It Was All About... ~ Chapter 7

Jan 30, 2009 06:38

Title: In the End It Was All About... - The Six Men Who Wanted Laura Roslin And The One Who Got Her
Author: Ria
Pairing (this Chapter): Adama/Roslin
Rating: NC-17
Spoiler: 2x12 - Resurrections Ship II (so to say...)
Disclaimer: Characters are property of RDM and Universal Pictures.
Author's Note: Written for Sira01. Thank you for allowing me to share ( Read more... )

pairing: adama/roslin, fic, fic: bsg, series: bsg

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Comments 18

chrissykat80 January 30 2009, 07:21:30 UTC
Ha you're tricky, for a moment there I thought you were really going to make it a dream. I just read the whole series in a row and loved it!


ufp13 January 30 2009, 08:49:21 UTC
*giggles* I like being tricky... and I like even more when it works. ^^ Happy to hear you enjoyed the whole ride. :)
Thank you.


sira01 January 30 2009, 08:07:23 UTC
You know that this part fried my brain - again? *lol*
Really, I loved the whole series and this part is just the insanely hot icing on the cake!

Thank you!!! (wished there was a better word)You rock! And this
gift rocked.



ufp13 January 30 2009, 08:57:21 UTC
I'm REALLY happy you love your present. *hugs*


shayenne January 30 2009, 12:00:52 UTC
This was lovely. (had to skip the last two because of spoilers, so it was great to be able to read this one).

Verrrrrry hot! :D


ufp13 January 30 2009, 21:33:15 UTC
This from one of the smut queens... *blushes* Thank you very much, dear!
And sorry about the spoilers... but then... you have to watch faster! :D


just_smth January 30 2009, 18:47:58 UTC
And here I was, preparing for disappointment at the end. I should have known better, shouldn't I? I just love happy endings. :)


ufp13 January 30 2009, 21:30:49 UTC
Yes, you should have known better. *nod nod*
Glad it didn't disappoint.
Thank you. :)


unavitasegreta January 30 2009, 21:02:43 UTC
OMG! I almost thought you were going to make this a fantasy too! It was - only one that was based in reality. I have really enjoyed these chapters every day. I will miss seeing something new from you on a daily basis. However, it was totally worth all the other pairing to get A/R in the end!


ufp13 January 30 2009, 21:29:16 UTC
Would I ever do that? *cough* Well, yeah, but not in this case - the title promised otherwise and I keep my promises. :)
Totally happy you think the ride was worth it. *hugs*


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