Fic: In the End It Was All About... ~ Chapter 3

Jan 26, 2009 06:55

Title: In the End It Was All About... - The Six Men Who Wanted Laura Roslin And The One Who Got Her
Author: Ria
Pairing (this Chapter): Laura/Lee
Rating: NC-17
Spoiler: up to 1x03 - Bastille Day
Disclaimer: Characters are property of RDM and Universal Pictures.
Author's Note: Written for Sira01. Thank you for allowing me to share this. *hugs*

Chapter Three: Admiration )

pairing: laura/lee, fic, fic: bsg, series: bsg

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Comments 12

sira01 January 26 2009, 07:21:46 UTC
Hmmh, does this icon mean you're not deeply in love with this pairing? *lol*
So I better not admit (again) that I loved this ficlet, huh? I think it gave us a good view onto Lee and how he would make love to Laura if he had the chance. At least at that time in being. :-)

Thanks so much for this part again!



ufp13 January 26 2009, 07:55:17 UTC
It actually means that I harbour NO love at all for this pairing. :D

You're still very welcome. *hugs*


shayenne January 26 2009, 22:30:58 UTC
Well, here I am, reading BSG fanfic! You're my first! *g*

Can't say I'd have thought of this pairing either, but I loved that you made it work. Great writing. Can't wait to read the rest in this series.


ufp13 January 27 2009, 05:40:34 UTC
*feels honoured*

This pairing isn't (or at least wasn't) all that uncommon, but I could never warm up to it at all.
Thank you very much, dear. :)


unavitasegreta January 27 2009, 04:03:05 UTC
Another pairing I am not into but damn if you don't make the possibility oh so hot! You are quite good at this. I am thinking you could make just about any man's fantasy with Laura excruciatingly hot!


ufp13 January 27 2009, 05:43:18 UTC
You even have a Lee-icon!! :D
I strongly dislike (one might even say hate) this pairing, but he fitted the topic of the story/series.

And thank you very much for sticking to this story despite not liking the pairings that pop up here. *HUGS*


unavitasegreta January 27 2009, 17:53:35 UTC
I would read anything you write, even if I am not fond of the character pairings. You make it so hot that I overlook the pairing and just enjoy the insane hotness!


ufp13 January 28 2009, 05:00:46 UTC
I should stick to write the acceptable pairing(s) then. :D Although overlooking the pairing seems like a great idea - that's what I did when writing this. For once, I tried to suppress mental images while writing porn.


missbevcrusher March 17 2009, 17:10:09 UTC
Poor Leeland LOL. Laura is so out of his league. hahaha

Great chapter! You actually managed to make Lee and Laura look hot together.

Also, my little plan of writing one page then reading one of your chapters is doing wonders for my motivation. Thank you! hahaha


ufp13 March 17 2009, 17:31:16 UTC
Yep, she is. *muahahahahahaaaaa*

Happy to hear that the motivation thing is working out, although I guess a page is something else for you than it is for me. *lol*


missbevcrusher March 17 2009, 17:43:50 UTC
*giggle* Well the fact that I tend to break up my story in itty bitty paragraphs helps. (Not as much text to cram in one page) LOL. However, it does result in a waste of paper for some of my friends who print out my fics to read them.


ufp13 March 17 2009, 18:04:06 UTC
Well... for me a page is about 1000 words. *lol* And when I print, I always reformate the stuff so it doesn't take that much paper. :D


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