Intercomm short fic: This Side of Hell

Feb 21, 2011 16:33

Title: This Side of Hell
Author: LadyKate63
Word Count: 3,519
Rating: PG-13
Characters/Pairings: Djaq, Guy, Vaisey; mentions Marian, Robin, Allan, Will, Bassam.
Spoilers/Warnings: 2x10 Walkabout; 2x13 We Are Robin Hood.
Summary: A few days after Marian's death, Djaq pays a visit to her grave.  She's not the only one.
Disclaimer: Don't own Robin Hood, don' ( Read more... )

rating: pg13, character: djaq, character: guy of gisborne, intercomm 2011, author: ladykate63, cat: angst, cat: short fic

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Comments 42

taliatoennien February 22 2011, 00:53:50 UTC
Wow -- even though I saw this in the various stages of construction, the ending is the best part, and it all holds together brilliantly.

I don't think you need to worry about it being too Guy-centric for the Djaq community, because there is a lot of interesting stuff about Guy -- but I'd care just as much about Djaq's personal journey even if I didn't know who Guy was.

This whole story was ... one long moment ... covering what it means to be a physician, what it means to be a follower of God, what it means to fear the devil. And it was quite the experience!

My favorite line:
“Only God can see what is inside a man’s heart. Your God or ours; it does not matter.”I love the sense that Djaq has of what is hers to decide and what is not, and I love her brutal honesty, the way she does not mind causing Guy more pain yet does not want him to die in this place -- "by her side, you do not deserve it" was brilliant -- and the way that somehow Marian's belief in Guy translated to Djaq even beyond the grave. There's just something raw and ( ... )


ladykate63 February 22 2011, 01:11:15 UTC
Oh, wow. Thank you! Great comment, and you actually saw something in this fic that I didn't even know was there. :D When I brought up the issue of Will looking at Djaq rather than Robin and Marian when Marian was dying (which, by the way, I had not noticed until it was pointed out by someone -- roh_wyn maybe? -- in a recent LJ discussion), I wanted it there as a transition to Djaq thinking of Marian. But you're right, it does also tie into how Djaq is moved in spite of herself by Guy's mourning of Marian...because it makes her think of what it would be like to mourn Will. Great catch!

I loved the way that ... Djaq saw a glimpse of what redemption means, going from dying to "I will kill him for her," seeing Guy as a puppet and feeling pity for him, and yet still not compromising on right, nor on the ugliness of the scene before herOh, see, once again you're articulating things that I was only vaguely seeing in my own fic. :D Which is fine, I think fiction always turns out better when it's written in a spontaneous rather than ( ... )


roh_wyn February 22 2011, 14:37:04 UTC
the issue of Will looking at Djaq rather than Robin and Marian when Marian was dying

Yep, that was me. I was sort of surprised that more people hadn't taken note of it, but then again, I guess the action in that scene is really elsewhere. Also, I'm not sure that moment is scripted, in which case, brilliant ad libbing by the actors, and Harry Lloyd in particular.

The only grouse I have with that scene is I'm not sure Djaq actually noticed Will looking at her. All her attention is focused--as it should be--on Marian.


ladykate63 February 22 2011, 20:01:56 UTC
I'd like to think that she looked at Will for a flash of a second, at least, and noticed. :)


secretchord February 22 2011, 03:48:45 UTC
Wow. This is incredible. You walk Djaq on that razor-thin line between what she feels is right and what she knows is right, and, in true Djaq fashion, reason and compassion win out, but it's an uncomfortable victory. And Guy: poor, poor Guy. I absolutely adore the "I just wanted her to stop" section, because it's so childish and pitiful and it makes you hurt inside at how a man could be both victim and murderer. This is perfect vehicle for exploring the dynamic Guy had with the viewing audience - the villain that was so badly in need of redemption, again walking a fine line between revulsion and compassion.

Well done as always, LK. This was a powerful insight into Guy's and Djaq's minds.


ladykate63 February 22 2011, 04:03:00 UTC
Aw, thank you so much. *blush* Actually, the "just wanted her to stop" line was inspired by something RA said in one of his interviews -- that Guy didn't want to kill Marian, just to stop the words coming out of her mouth.

(Actually, your use of the word "childish" reminded me of the reaction of a friend I got into RH after she watched the s2 finale: "Guy is a child." Which is kind of ... a funny thing to say after watching someone stab a woman to death, but, um... yeah. :-/ Admittedly, she knew what was coming.)


rodlox February 22 2011, 06:23:50 UTC
>Admittedly, she knew what was coming.
*nods* Suicide-by-cop in the 12th century.


ladykate63 February 22 2011, 06:26:30 UTC
LOL, sorry if I confused you. I meant that my friend knew Guy was going to kill Marian in the S2 finale. Not that Marian knew Guy was going to kill her (I don't think she did!). Hence, her reaction was the fairly mild "Guy is a child," not "OMGWTFGuykilledMarian!" (which is, verbatim, a text that a friend of mine got from someone whom she got into RH and who hadn't been spoiled).


ctquill February 22 2011, 05:18:38 UTC
This is really beautiful and intense. I can hear the characters' voices so clearly. It feels authentic, like a missing piece of the show. I particularly liked the Sheriff's arrival and Djaq and Guy's reactions to him.



ladykate63 February 22 2011, 06:34:24 UTC
Thank you! I kind of like to think of it as a "missing piece," myself. Glad it works for you that way!


rodlox February 22 2011, 06:20:34 UTC
a good look into Djaq and Gisbourne.

I'm going to re-read this later.

excellent work, this is.


roh_wyn February 22 2011, 14:34:40 UTC
LOL. Clearly, the way for Djaq fics to get a lot of comments is to have Gisborne along for the ride...preferably shirtless of wearing a wet shirt. ;)

As I said before, I really enjoyed reading this. I think it works well as an exploration into two characters who never interact on the show. Djaq's motivations were very clear throughout, and I think her natural empathy and her ability to know right from wrong really came through. I also enjoyed the parallel to Allan's conversation with Djaq. I can see how she'd react in exactly that way to any man trying to deny his own small kernel of goodness.

The Sheriff is brilliantly drawn. I could practically hear Vaysey speaking as I read this.

Well done. Djaq says shukran. :D


ladykate63 February 22 2011, 23:10:28 UTC
Every fic should have Gisborne in a wet shirt - can we all just agree on that? ;-)

Anyway, thanks for all the help, and for the kind review! (I love writing Vaisey, btw.) As I think I've mentioned, I've been toying with this idea for a while but who knows how much longer I would have been putting it off if it weren't for rh_intercomm ... so, thanks Intercomm! :-)


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