Who: Gunn, Cordelia, and Doyle
Where: Cordelia's Apartment
When: After her rescue
What: Getting Cordelia Settled in for the Night
Status: Incomplete
After they had gotten away from Wolfram & Hart, they dropped Angel off back at the office so that he could deal with the crowd that had shown up from Sunnydale. Gunn didn't know who any of those people were, but they had Angel distracted right now, plus he seemed kind of anxious to do whatever it was that they wanted to do and get them out of LA. Apparently he either didn't get along with them or they brought up bad memories. Gunn didn't know.
Angel had asked him and Doyle to make sure that Cordelia got back to her apartment safe and sound and for them to make sure that there were no lawyer goons hanging around and waiting for them in order to just snatch Cordelia away again. If Gunn saw any more lawyers tonight, he was going to beat the ever loving daylights out of them. He was sick of that whole lot of assholes right now. For some reason he got the feeling that they wouldn't be able to get rid of them any time soon, though.
He pulled his truck up to Cordelia's apartment building. "Come on," he said to her. "We'll walk you up." The tone he had said that he'd take no arguments. Even if she wasn't all that proud of her living circumstances, Gunn had certainly seen a lot worse. This was someone who was used to being homeless and squatting anywhere that he could. One crappy apartment wasn't that bad in his opinion.