Title: Rogue’s Secret Author: chokolattejedi Pairing: Wolverogue Summary: Rogue and Gambit are keeping a secret from Wolverine. A drabble for the uc_xmen “Secrets” prompt. Disclaimer: Not mine.
I don't quite know how I ended up here (too much late night random surfing of LJ) but I'm really glad I did. This little drabble is just too darn cute. It really melted my heart. To begin with, I admire anyone who writes drabbles because I have such a problem with confining something so great in such a short space, but you did it wonderfully. I loved the use of suggestion here - the initial implication of what Gambit could be up to in Rogue's bedroom, the image of frustrated!Wolverine with a cold, the thought and planning that Rogue must have put into this present, and how we're left pondering just exactly how she'll present him with such a gift and exactly how he'll react to it.
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Lovely! :)
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