Title: Endless Nights Prompt: Brenda can’t take many more nights like this. Challenge: A to Z Drabble Meme; Q is for Quiet Fandom: Brenda/Sharon, Brenda/Fritz The CloserRequested by: mostlyharmless
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Hey, its mostlyharmsless from tumblr, just wanted to write a more detailed comment here.
I love that you took the guilt and worked it into this story. Just the emotions running through this... its fabulous. This quote "She could reclaim some of her sanity. She could have a reprieve from her guilt and her love and her hate." It just really resonated with me. Thank you for writing. :)
Comments 16
I love that you took the guilt and worked it into this story. Just the emotions running through this... its fabulous. This quote "She could reclaim some of her sanity. She could have a reprieve from her guilt and her love and her hate." It just really resonated with me. Thank you for writing. :)
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