Title: In Between Prompt: rose thorns and headless dolls Challenge: 100 Fic Challenge (#11) Fandom: Dana Scully/Morticia Addams, The X Files/The Addams Family Requested by: kitnkabootleRating: R
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It's amazing how you've managed to make these characters seem like they have always belonged in the same story-line together. It is most decidedly morose, thinking of oneself dying, but as Scully was fighting off cancer it would have been hard to do anything but. I'm glad you acknowledged the fact that the Addams are kind of X-file material themselves and it's funny because I can easily picture them being one of Mulder's mysterious sources. Your description of Morticia is just...ooh, just lovely. The rose teasing was perfect! I love how you described Morticia through Scully as being "lifelessly vibrant", it is an oxymoron, to be sure, but it is entirely accurate as well. I like how, through a bit of pain, Morticia has reminded Scully that she is still alive. *hugs* Very nice work!
:D thank you so much for the kind comment! i'm really glad you enjoyed it. i was nervous about putting the two together because they're so *different*...but it just seemed to make sense given the worlds they each belong to. thanks for reading!!
This was incredible. I love how no one else sees the pairing but me and you when I request them but you make them work and give the pairings life! I am in love with how you linked them together as Mulder's sources! That is absolutely brilliant! And the best part about this is neither character had to step ooc for it to be plausible.
Morticia is nuturing and eerily understanding. Nothing gets by her. She is definitely a matriarch. Scully is strong but wounded and laden with worries of her mortality. Morticia lives in Limbo - they never quite explain whether she's undead or alive. She is in fact the perfect one to aid Scully in accepting her situation as it is literally - sans bullshit. I loved it!
Wow. I just felt like looking for something good to read today so I went to take a look at your fic list... I'm not sorry I chose this story! It's brilliant, you make this odd pairing I would never have thought of work. Angsty as it is, this fic made me happy. :)
Comments 16
Your description of Morticia is just...ooh, just lovely. The rose teasing was perfect! I love how you described Morticia through Scully as being "lifelessly vibrant", it is an oxymoron, to be sure, but it is entirely accurate as well. I like how, through a bit of pain, Morticia has reminded Scully that she is still alive. *hugs* Very nice work!
Morticia is nuturing and eerily understanding. Nothing gets by her. She is definitely a matriarch. Scully is strong but wounded and laden with worries of her mortality. Morticia lives in Limbo - they never quite explain whether she's undead or alive. She is in fact the perfect one to aid Scully in accepting her situation as it is literally - sans bullshit. I loved it!
Thank you so much!
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