Eating like a Gilmore Girl

Dec 10, 2008 18:02

I'm not sure I can express how bad this week's been, what with the rising stress and the rising ... stress.  It's all workity, work, work, work.

So let me instead say I came home this evening and knowingly and willingly ate cookies, and multiple cookies at that.  They weren't 'dessert'; they weren't the 'only one treat a week' treat; they were ( Read more... )

culture, politics

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Comments 3

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ubiquirk December 13 2008, 16:27:01 UTC
Isn't it great? I think the whole 'you pick and choose' section is my fave.

Thanks and hugs!

Mmm - Colin Firth.


themoreyouclean December 11 2008, 02:13:13 UTC
OMG, that video is absolutely wonderful.

I hope your tomorrow is better, less stressful than today.


ubiquirk December 13 2008, 16:27:41 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it! They did a great job.

Thanks - things are calmer today ... because I'm not at work. (laughs)


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