America ...

Oct 09, 2008 18:56

So this whole 'golly-gee shucks' image of the 'Real America' being living on wide-open land, farming or some such, and shooting things with guns?

So very far from even 'not so much.'

80% of Americans live in metropolitan areas.

Why does the Republican Party's attempt to harken to such an image work though?  It must speak to some ideal people cling to ( Read more... )

culture, politics

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Comments 8

mundungus42 October 10 2008, 00:05:24 UTC
But it's way more hilarious to paint a guy whose mom raised him alone and on food stamps as a liberal elitist.


ubiquirk October 10 2008, 00:46:58 UTC
Yes! And Hawaii - I mean, that barely counts as a state, right?


mundungus42 October 10 2008, 02:50:53 UTC
*pssht* You can't even see another country from Hawaii.


laiksmarei October 10 2008, 02:53:34 UTC
Hey, I can see Canada from my house (if I squint).


laiksmarei October 10 2008, 02:52:52 UTC
Don't you know? We're all supposed to fit within the same homogeneous mold. Gods, guns and babies.


ubiquirk October 12 2008, 15:12:58 UTC
Gods, guns and babies.

And white, and christian, and protestant, and ...


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