
Jul 16, 2007 10:52

Fandom: Buffy
Canon Compliancy: Season 4 up to “Beer Bad”
Character: Giles
Rating: G
Genre: Drama
Word Count: ~150
Prompt: 22 Unseen
Disclaimer: Not mine; no money.

Summary: During the beginning of Season 4, a jobless Giles ruminates.
Written for
still_grrr's prompt 22: Unseen and posted there.

He removes his glasses and pretends to polish them on the hem of his jumper.

The lenses aren’t dirty.  Not really.  In fact, the problem is that suddenly he can see all too well.

He stands in the kitchen and sees the way Buffy troops blithely into his flat barely pausing to call a quick hello before rushing to tell Willow of the new love interest she spoke with today.  He sees the joy on Willow’s face as she already contemplates which classes to take in the spring while Xander jokes that she needn’t get any smarter.  He sees them vibrate with life and purpose - or, well, Xander doesn’t appear to exactly have much purpose yet, but he is getting shagged on a regular basis, and this makes the young man positively glow with animal contentment.

He removes his glasses and pretends to polish them on the hem of his jumper because, for that protracted moment, the three of them blur - become unseen.

As he is.

fandom - btvs gen, ch - giles, genre - drama

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