Recruit (9/9)

Jul 03, 2007 23:41

Fandoms: Buffy/HP
Canon Compliancy: Set in 2004; through Buffy season 8, issue 4; post-HBP
Pairing: Giles/Snape
Rating: NC-17, slash
Genre: Drama/Humor/Romance
Word Count: ~22K
Status: Complete; will be posted over July 2nd and 3rd

Summary: Slayers abounded, and even with new innovations in training and technology, the Watcher’s Council struggled to cope with the decimation of its ranks wreaked by the Bringers. Willow’s sudden return offered Giles the chance to discover much-needed new recruits. Yet nothing quite prepared him for one Severus Snape.

Previous: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8.

Disclaimer: Not mine; no money.

Thanks go to the wonderful firefly_124, who betaed for me and to the amazing saracen77, who Brit-picked. Big thanks as well to katekat1010, who made the gorgeous banner.

Chapter 9

Giles looked up from his eleven o’clock cuppa to see Xander hovering in the kitchen doorway and stood to greet him. He thought he should feel more nervous than he did, but having more orgasms in one weekend than he’d had in the last five years had mellowed his anxiety somewhat. Although some of the calm may be because I asked Severus to remain upstairs for the time being so that I could talk to Xander on my own.

Xander moved forward, then hesitated - it was just for a split second, but Giles saw it. He’s debating whether to hug or not. Not that they hugged that often, but they had grown steadily closer over the years, a process which had only been accelerated since Sunnydale.

Decision seemingly made, Xander came closer and wrapped one arm around Giles, offering a few pats on the back to seemingly make it more of a ‘friend’ hug, a ‘guy’ hug.

But at least he chose to hug me.

Pulling away, Xander grinned and gestured towards his laden hand. “I brought donuts. Old times, eh?” The box was open almost before it was on the table, and a donut raised to the young man’s mouth.

“Thank you, Xander. Did you get any jam, I mean jelly, ones?”

“It’s okay, Giles,” he mumbled around a bite of pastry before swallowing. “I’ve been on this island long enough to be able to order you jam donuts. In fact, I’m one smooth donut-ordering guy. Yep, all those years of prolonged donut ordering finally paid off. Why I can -”

“Xander,” Giles interrupted. “It’s all right. I’m still me, still the same old Giles.”

The young man’s shoulders slumped a bit and he looked down at the floor. “I know that in my head - I really do. It’s just that I have to get used to feeling it.”

And what do I say to that? Giles sighed internally. It’s not something I can force him to accept.

Xander looked back up. “I mean, what am I supposed to think, Giles? You’ve always been one of those givens in my world … one of the few. And to find out that I don’t even really know you. It just …” He spread his hands.

“But you do know me, Xander - you know all of the important things.” Giles sat down at the table. “This is just something … well, to be honest, it’s something I wasn’t sure was ever going to happen again - with either a man or a woman.”

Xander took the chair across from him. “And I want that for you, Giles. I want you to be happy, to … to be not alone.” He ran his free hand across his hair, careful not to disturb the band of the eye patch. “None of us should be alone,” he said softly.

“Xander?” Giles reached across the table to briefly touch his forearm.

Looking up and offering a wry grin, the young man continued. “No, Giles. I’m sorry - I shouldn’t have said it that way. This isn’t about me right now. This is about you. And … and I’m okay with it. Still a bit shocked, but okay. And I’m more shocked about the you being gay thing than about the fact that there is a gay thing, if that makes sense.”

Giles offered a wry smile of his own. “Yes, I think it does.”

Xander let out a deep breath and smiled a bit more fully before waving his pastry around. “So make with the eating already! I’d hate to think my superb donut-ordering skills are going to waste.”

Male bonding rituals and food. Someone should write a paper on it. Reaching into the box to pull out one of the filled confections, Giles took a huge bite before grinning at the other man. He didn’t even mind that he could feel jam on his upper lip.


The slam of the front door was followed by a quick chorus of hellos and the sound of feet running up the stairs, the rustle of shopping sacks a light counterpoint to the patter. Xander alone walked into the sitting room, Giles and Snape rising from the sofa to greet him. The sight of the young man shaking the dark man’s hand vigorously made Giles want to laugh at Snape’s guarded expression. But when Xander appeared set to throw in a few hearty shoulder slaps, Giles intervened by moving slightly closer to the dark man, ruining Xander’s angle. There was only so much fun to be had in endangering friends after all.

Snape raised an eyebrow. “So you are the one from the castle in Scotland?”

“Yep, that’s me.” Xander shifted into nervous/humorous mode. “Though don’t expect me to go all Braveheart anytime soon ‘cause blue? - so not my color - let alone the kilts. I mean, guys in skirts - that’s kind of g-” He broke off suddenly, eye widening.

“Gay, you were going to say, hmm?” The eyebrow rose, amazingly, higher.

“Actually, I was going for girly, but hey, since my best friend is gay and a girl, the connection doesn’t mean anything of the bad to me.” He gave a big grin and spread his hands wide. “Besides, I’m not sure I have the legs for a kilt.”

Looking at the scowl still hovering over his lover’s face, Giles chose to distract Snape. “Xander has been instrumental in creating the Council’s monitoring network, which has already proved successful.”

“Really?” Snape’s expression eased somewhat more.

Xander flashed Giles a quick look of relief and thanks before turning to Snape. “Actually Andrew’s the one with the technical know-how. I’ve just been able to help with the brainstorming. Who’d have thunk all those years spent watching army and sci-fi movies in my parents’ basement would pay off?” He gave a small, self-deprecating laugh.

“Indeed,” Snape muttered, scowl reappearing as the line between his brows deepened.

Another one of those instances where Severus doesn’t know what is being said, but he’s unwilling to admit it, Giles thought with faint amusement.

“Shall we get dinner on then?” Giles asked and almost laughed when this time both men threw him relieved glances.


Mondays were always a bit of a pain, but a Monday with a full Council meeting seemed especially hellacious. One problem had been personal. Andrew had pouted his way through the entire morning, casting none-too-surreptitious looks back and forth between Giles and Snape. It unfortunately appeared as if Willow had been correct about the young man’s affections, but Giles was at a loss as to how to handle it other than treating the young man much as he always had since the fall of Sunnydale.

Frankly, Giles had been more concerned with how the members of the old Council were reacting to the policy changes. He had known Deng and Robson were with him before the meeting even began, but it had been touch and go with some of the others - Evans and Santaverde in particular. Yet as Andrew and Xander had presented the data supporting their monitoring systems, and Buffy had outlined the success of the new training programs, more and more of the older faces lining the table had lost their closed look. He’d even seen a few small smiles when he’d reported the drastically increased happiness of the new Slayers.

And now that Willow had just finished introducing Snape and what he meant for their research program, Giles noted that everyone was riveted - even Dorkenoo no longer shuffled papers, and Wasserschmidt stopped fussing with his tie.

With a grand flourish, Snape rose and stepped away from the table, moving to where everyone in the room could see him and turning to strike a commanding pose.

Good Lord, who knew he was such a drama queen? Giles snickered to himself, then quickly remembered how Snape would wait with mouth hovering over Giles’s erection until he knew Giles was watching. His cock twitched. Ah, well - at least he’s my drama queen.

Snape began simply, calling out, “Lumos!” so that his wand cast a bright light.

With a note of disdain, Evans asked, “Will this light source immolate a vampire?”

“Unfortunately, no. Nox.” As the light went out, Snape narrowed his eyes. “Its purpose is to give you a clearer idea of Wizarding magic, not to provide the equivalent of the sunshine spell Ms. Rosenberg has already adequately created.” He drew back his shoulders. “If I may continue?”

Next, he Transfigured a tea cup into a wooden stake and back again, saying, “As you can well imagine, the alteration of material on hand into something more desirable could have strategic uses.”

Quiet murmurs of appreciation rippled around the table until Santaverde spoke, “Yet I was under the impression, Mr. Snape, that you could not do such magic in the field.”

“You are correct. However, the Council may someday be able to attract witches or wizards with more … freedom of action than I myself have.”

Not deigning to give his detractors any more of his time, Snape waved his wand again, and a book came flying from the far side of the room to land in his out-stretched left hand. “It is possible, with enough practice, to cast spells nonverbally, such as the Summoning Charm, yet that is not what I wanted to show you.” He smirked, having regained their full attention. “I had Mr. Evans bring with him a text that I have never seen before, as there is not a copy in the main Council library, but which, he assures me, most of you will be familiar with.” He paused to read the spine. “Gibson’s Watcher’s Codicil.”

Upon receiving nods from most of the room - though Buffy, Xander, and Andrew looked a bit uncertain, Giles noted - Snape placed his wand in his pocket and called out, “Protractum! As you can see, in addition to nonverbal spells, wandless magic is also possible, though Ms. Rosenberg has been able to determine that such utilizes wand-created energy pathways.” He began rifling through the pages of the book before settling on one right towards the end. “What is more important for this gathering is that this spell enables one to find desired information quite quickly, as I have just found that Gibson deduced that vampires exist in the shell of a human body yet do not retain the human soul.”

Every face from the old Council looked suitably impressed - after all, these were the ones who recognized the usefulness of searching arcane and convoluted texts more efficiently.

Ah, he’s good at this, Giles thought.

Catching Giles’s eye and smiling with just the smallest quirk of his lips, Snape pulled out his wand to send the book flying back across the room. Then he threw his wand to Giles. “While I will be able to perform such spells under the wards offered by this building, Ms. Santaverde raised a good point. What will I be able to do in the field, if such work is required of me?”

Snape paused to meet the eyes of everyone in the room. “Ms. Rosenberg has been working with me on this very issue, and I am happy to say that we have discovered a solution. Retraining has allowed me to learn truly wandless magic - that of earth magic.” Holding out a hand palm up, he soon had a swirling ball of energy floating above it.

Giles maintained enough presence of mind to note that the entire Council appeared impressed - many were talking animatedly amongst themselves, and a few rose to walk closer to Snape.

Yet that color-shot ball of energy made Giles squirm in his seat as he fought his body’s reaction to the erotic imagery it induced.

And when a smirking Snape caught his eye, Giles knew the man had done it purposefully. The sneaky bastard - he could have warned me.

Giles’s cock didn’t seem to mind though and pressed insistently against the cotton of his boxers, keeping him sitting at the table long after everyone else had risen to discuss this new turn of events.


Hours later, the full Council meeting was over for the day, and all who lingered were the members of the core Scooby gang, including Snape.

Although time would tell just how happy the remaining members of the original Council were with the changes wrought by the people who now surrounded him, Giles hoped that the positive responses he’d heard today were at least somewhat sincere.

Buffy, Willow, and Xander were a strange mixture of both more positive and more pragmatic than he found himself to be. After much congratulatory back slapping over their triumph over the Council’s old-guard - and in Xander’s case, the back slapping had been literal - they settled in to sort through any lingering day-to-day business. Tomorrow they would be facing the full Council again to tell them of Twilight. This turn to the relative mundanity of normal demons seemed a treat - one they had retreated to by unspoken agreement.

Giles found himself staring at Snape’s profile as Willow announced, “Okay, only one last point on today’s agenda. Raids by what we now know are Ingorka demons continue to plague civilians along the southern border of the Black Forest.”

“What’s up with our Munich team?” Buffy asked. “Do they need more people? Are these Angora demons -”

“Ingorka,” Willow corrected.

“Right - Ingorka. You know, that’s actually a good thing, because I bought the cutest sweater the other day, and I didn’t want to feel bad about wearing it - or at least not any badder than I already feel at the thought of naked bunnies.” She paused briefly, forming a small frown. “Do you think they get cold?”

“Who - the Ingorkas?” Willow asked. “The Black Forest seems to be their natural habitat, so I’d say they’re all adjusty with the winters there.”

“No, silly, the bunnies - when they’re shaved and -”

“Buff,” Xander whined. He’d been fidgeting for the last quarter hour.

“Demons - focus on the demons,” Buffy muttered before again addressing the room in a louder tone, “Are they hard to kill?”

“It’s more that they’re hard to find,” Willow started to explain.

This meeting seems as if it will drag on forever, and tomorrow may prove even more harrowing, Giles thought as his attention finally drifted. Yet since when am I so impatient for meetings to be over?

He looked up and caught Snape watching him intently, one eyebrow raised in query.

Right - since him. Giles’s cock twitched, and he longed to be able to reach down and arrange it to a more comfortable position.

Snape’s expression grew into a full smirk, and the eyebrow climbed impossibly higher.

Giles tipped his head towards the little-used side door and watched as Snape rose to leave. Waiting what he hoped was discreet amount of time, Giles muttered something about looking for a certain book on Ingorkas and followed only to be shoved against said door as soon as it closed behind him.

“There’s a room full of people on the other side of this relatively thin piece of wood,” Giles stated dryly, “one with Slayer hearing.”

Snape’s smirk was firmly in place. “So you are saying you do not wish to?”

“Damn it, man! Cast one of those bloody Silencing Spells you’re always so smug about and get on with it!”

A wave of wand accompanied by Muffliato, and Snape replied, “Get on with it? Ever the romantic.”

“As if you want romance, you bastard. Besides which, you’re the one who flaunted the magical energy earlier knowing full well the effect such would have.”

“You mean the effect of having the entire Council finally support your leadership?”

“I’ll give you that much, but you know full well that’s not what I was referring to. Now fuck me.”

Snape said, “Now who’s the pushy bottom?” and made a tsking noise, which soon morphed into a moan when Giles fisted his hands in Snape’s jumper to drag him forward for a tooth-knocking kiss that mimicked the voracious grinding together of their erections.

AN: I couldn’t resist the role reversal of Giles skiving off for a spot of shagging as the Scoobies sort out what to do about the demons.

I hope you enjoyed, and I'd love to hear from you.

ch - buffy, ch - giles, ch - severus, ch - willow, fic - recruit, ch - xander, genre - romance/sex, fandom - hp slash, fandom - crossover, fandom - btvs slash, genre - drama, genre - humor

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