Title: The Avengers
Author: ubiquirk
Fandom: BtVS
Rating: PG13
Genre: drama, action/adventure
Word Count: ~6700
Characters: Faith, Giles
Disclaimer: Not mine; no money.
AN: Set post “Chosen,” just after “No Future for You.” Written for
summer_of_giles 2009. Third in the
Avengers Series. Although each story can stand alone, this one is the direct sequel to both ‘
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Comments 19
That’s not who she needs to be.
He answers her with a small shake of his head.
That’s not who he needs to be either.
This!! This is the nexus of where I kind of feel this entire series has been going towards - this moment of decision on Giles' part, where he actually makes the choice and begins to realize that he doesn't have to live up to the First.
This series is so frigging RICH, and I love it, and reading this part makes me want to go back and reread all the other parts together so that I can experience them again - it's funny because I remember the Prague part so clearly. But that's what happens with outstanding fics.
And I absolutely love the banner for this too - it's beautiful.
And thanks for the kind note on the banner - coming from you, that means tons!
I love the mystery, the Avengers theme, the dynamics between Giles and Faith and how you used your (brilliant) Feet of Clay.
Thank you so much for sharing this.
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