A lot of folks religiously type the names of the various Apple II models in the various ways that the models were stylised (or in some cases, using the styling that they're most familiar with for all of them-which, i confess, looks really weird to me.)
I consider ][ and // as merely stylings of II-and identical in meaning (much like smallcaps is
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Comments 5
IIgs identification requires a firmware call:
00/0300: 38 SEC
00/0301: 20 1F FE JSR FE1F
00/0304: 6A ROR
00/0305: 85 06 STA $06
00/0307: 60 RTS
Which gets poked in and called on line 10, below.
10 POKE 768,56: POKE 769,32: POKE 770,31: POKE 771,254: POKE 772,106: POKE 773,133: POKE 774,6: POKE 775,96 : CALL 768 : GS = PEEK(6) : IF GS < 128 THEN GS$ = "Apple IIgs as an ( ... )
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