Чергова Конференція із Слов’янської Коґнітивної Лінгвістики

Mar 26, 2015 10:35

Russian and Slavonic Studies

Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Conference 2015
14th annual conference of the Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association

Universities of Sheffield and Oxford, UK, 9 - 13 December 2015

Conference theme: "Crossing boundaries: taking a cognitive scientific perspective on Slavic languages and linguistics".

Keynote speakers

Andrej Kibrik, Moscow
Marc Turner, Case Western
Stephen Pulman, Oxford

Workshops (please note: the 4 half-day workshops are an integral part of the conference)

1. Cognitive Linguistics and language teaching
2. Cognitive Linguistics and Computational Linguistics
3. Cognitive Linguistics and Psycholinguistics
4. Cognitive Linguistics and Multimodal discourse analysis


We invite abstracts for oral or poster presentations on any topic of relevance to Slavic Cognitive Linguistics; especially welcome are submission that fit the theme of the conference "Crossing boundaries: taking a cognitive scientific perspective on Slavic languages and linguistics". We plan oral sessions with standard 20 minute presentations, followed by 10 minutes of questions; in additional we plan poster presentations with or without short oral presentation.


Deadline for abstract submission 15 May 2015
Notification of acceptance 30 June 2015
Conference 9-13 December 2015


If you have any questions, please email sclcAbstracts@gmail.com
Abstract submission

Abstracts can be submitted through this online form.

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