≈ FAQ ≈
This is for OOC reference only. This is just a list of questions you might have, so please read through them (and their answers, of course) carefully. If you're still at a loss and have a legitimate question about the community, feel free to post it here.
Questions about players or their characters will be deleted. This is what crit posts are for.
ç What's going on?
Your character has become trapped within a place known as the City. It unites people under one land regardless of their origin, beliefs or appearance. For now, they're stuck there and they have to live through the events it plagues them with.
The City shifts and almost seems alive, so events may be posted by the players--provided they have the permission of the mods! The roads, paths, parks, climate and living quarters have an odd shifting, living quality that intrigues its in habitants. One street may not be there the next day and suddenly return, although in general, the City remains in much the same shape (i.e., the District boundaries don't change).
Upon arrival, your character may choose a place to stay while interacting with the other characters or in one of their own journal posts. The homes of the characters reflect the desires/homes of their worlds; i.e., Miles Edgeworth's apartment in the City looks almost exactly like his apartment in Los Angeles, though maybe with a few additions.
There are premises, shops and other places run by Shades--strange shadows--there is no currency, and everything seems to be free. However, a forboding feeling from the Shades themselves keeps most of the players from ransacking or being gluttonous. They are otherwise benign and take no real importance in the plot, aside from assumed figures in the background.
At night, should your character not stay indoors, he or she will be attacked (in blows or razor cuts) by shadows of creatures.
ç How do I apply?
this page for the application process.
ç What kind of character can I app here?
Any character. That means OCs* and AU characters* as well. This is a panfandom gig, so you can app anyone from any fandom ever.
*- OCs and AU characters have an additional portion of the application they must fill out. Please see the
application page. ç How many characters can I app for?
Four. However, when you first apply, you may only apply for one. One solid month of activity and you can apply for more. We suggest, however, that you stick with one or two. Four is a large number and might interfere with your activity on the other accounts. The mods reserve the right to deny your application if your current accounts remain inactive if said inactive accounts have not been dropped first.
ç I don't like playing my character(s) anymore and I want to drop them. How do I do that?
The proper etiquette is to post a drop notice entry in the OOC comm (
unter_allen_ooc) with the tag 'drop notice' and an explanation as to who you're dropping and why.
ç What's an intro post and how do I make one?
Your character will suddenly find themselves in the City, whether through a door or passageway from their own world. They could even be walking and find themselves in another place out of thin air. We don't really care how you get there, as long as they get there period.
You post an intro post IN CHARACTER in the main comm. You may also make an OOC intro post in the OOC comm, but that's not required, though it would help you get to know your fellow players.
ç ... Seriously, what's going on?
Isolated--and not so isolated--events within the City, as well as your own character's interactions with the other players.
Events posted by the members are encouraged, such as one member stumbling upon an arcade--the shifting nature of the City allows this. However, you MUST ASK A MOD FIRST before posting. The mods reserve the right to deny a player the ability to post a certain event.
ç How do I know what characters are available?
You can find what characters are wanted
here and what characters have been taken
here. You can also reserve a character you want
in this post. ç Are you guys serious writing or crack or what?
A little of both at times. Some of the events can lead to... interesting situations. There are capslock events once a month, as well as events for various holidays.
As far as RP format, most write in paragraph format, but casual RP is welcome in regular journals as well as some events.
ç What if my character can't read/speak English?
We have had members where this was the case. The City translates all languages into the native speaker's tongue. However, should a person wish to keep something private by speaking to someone else in a foreign language, the effect will be nullified for as long as they wish to not be understood.
This same "translation" applies to street signs, banners and notices within the City.
ç I'm still a little unsure. Can you tell me anything else?
This comm is oriented toward new and old roleplayers alike. We try to keep a friendly, drama-free environment. While the writing can be more on the serious side, we try to keep this comm as more of a fluid, laid back place.
ç What if I'm having trouble with one of the other players?
We encourage the players to post crit posts in their own journals as they see fit. if you have a problem with someone's interpretation of their character, it is YOUR job to deal with them PRIVATELY. Do not bring wank into the main community.
If you have OOC trouble, we strongly urge you to resolve it on your own in private. However, if a problem persists or if there is harassment, you are welcome to contact the mods. We assure confidentiality.
ç So... is there anything I can do to get kicked out?
We love you too, mun. ... There are a few things you can do, such as harassment of another player or players, the breaking of certain rules within the community. See the
rules page for more information on how to hopefully AVOID situations like these.
ç How do I get a hold of the mods?
Either send a message to this account or contact one of the mods directly.
ç Do you have a kink meme?
Why, yes.
Yes we do! ç I need a little help navigating.
You can always find links to all the necessary pages in the community profile of