The Last Days of Magic and Glory Epilogue

Jul 11, 2012 12:54

In the Vault, the Casket of Ancient Winters waits.

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magic and glory, thor/loki

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Comments 4

mozzarellaroses July 12 2012, 07:12:20 UTC
You are amazing, and shall always be <3 I won't mind your writing choice, but I'll come back every now and then to shower praises on you.


tzzzz July 13 2012, 13:42:19 UTC
Thanks! I do need a little break from this 'verse, but I have a good plan for what to do when I come back to it. I think the story could be complete as it is, but Thor is so entrenched in his own vision of the world as a character, the chance to jump to Loki's POV and see what he's made of everything that's happened to him is something I'm really looking forward to.


mikes_grrl July 24 2012, 17:36:28 UTC
Wow, how wonderful to come back to LJ and find this story! Wow! Very powerful storytelling, I simply love it ( ... )


tzzzz July 24 2012, 23:38:04 UTC
Thanks so much for the thoughtful comment ( ... )


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