
Aug 15, 2010 19:30

sometimes spending the weekend shut away, working over a computer, is just what the doctor ordered. yes, having a 6am start to the day feels hellish at the time. but when it's 7pm and there's a long list of accomplishments, it's a darn fine feeling. it's why i love weekends. during the week my working life is more or less constant damage limitation ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

wraithwitch August 25 2010, 21:28:39 UTC
*laughs* I like your lj layout - I hadn't visited it before =)

Erm. I have a possible favour to ask. (currently at the 'enquiry' stage not the 'ohgodohgodohgod' stage).
Is it possible to borrow £345 from you for two-four weeks to pay my SEptember rent until a bunch of incompetent accountants pay my father the vast lump of money he is due?

The answer no is not a problem, I have others I can ask and if that fails there are *gasp* banks =P



wraithwitch August 25 2010, 22:11:17 UTC
worry not - I recant - finances have been sorted xxx


tziganka September 18 2010, 11:33:41 UTC
oooooh nooooooooooo

i only saw this now, sorry! xxx email's a faster way of reachin me xx


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