It's a shame that I do all my best work on lined notebook paper X___________x
So yeah here is some cute Naruto Fanartsuuuuu! It is's kind of for KT >.>;
I WAS THINKING OF YOU!!!! ;_; hehe Sorry I can't draw Cockzoo&Dan I hope good ol' fashion Naru&Sai is just as heartwarming :3
Naruto FAnarts!!!! X3 )
Comments 2
And holycrapu NaruSai oAo!! This is so cute, oh gosh. AND MMMDKF I am envious that you draw such a nice Naruto, I cannot get him right for the life of me but you really got his face right here! I mean, its your style obv. but jDSKjskf I DONT KNOW. It just looks goood. And stalker!Sai is so cute xD well, I'm not sure if he's intended being a stalker here but that was the first impression I got lulz.
also, LINED PAPER BAAAD but you already know this xD
BAHHH Naruto = poor translation into my style, WTF is up with his hair >.
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