
Sep 06, 2016 19:48

I turned 32 yesterday ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

brunettepet September 6 2016, 14:32:53 UTC
I'm sorry you're feeling so low.


tygermine September 7 2016, 01:36:57 UTC
It was a moment of lowness that we all experience occasionally. Now I just need to pull myself up and keep on.
Step one: join a Zumba class.


nattalie_m September 6 2016, 15:48:22 UTC
Come on! 32 ins't old! Better being realist and single than unhappy with company. btw Happy bday :)


tygermine September 7 2016, 01:38:03 UTC
I know. I know! My existential crisis slipped out after my third (fourth?) glass of wine.
Its tucked back where it belongs and I am embracing singledom again.


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