self improvement: about the feet

May 12, 2012 13:48

When I lived up north, I didn't really take good care of myself. Sure I was careful with my diet when the first blood clot happened. Sure I was mindful to walk more often than sitting down. I was aware that I wasn't in the best condition but I figured that it could have been so much worse so I didn't really make any other effort.

Now I'm doing way better. I've done more than just be mindful of my diet too. I exercise more, between the biking and the swimming, and I've been caffeine free for a year and three months. That right there was a huge hurdle that I was able to jump because dropping the caffeine was better than having my stomach try to turn itself inside out because the SSRI pump behind it was in overdrive.

Tackling improvements one step at a time seemed to be the best way to go about things. So the current step is me paying a lot more attention to my feet.

(yup! My toes are TINY. Readers Digest version: minor birth defect that I have a love-hate relationship with. But the toes aren't what this post is about, so onward!)

I'm not a fan of pedicures. The last time I had one, I ended up with an infection and I don't want to go through that again.

But I had to do something, so I asked my mom for some suggestions. She didn't berate me for it but she was Very Concerned because she didn't want me to get any worse. (this is further proof that the relationship between me and my mom is getting better) On top of the pedicure stuff, she's the one who got me set on some good arch supports--which make a world of difference, believe me.

The arsenal of foot care, for me, includes the following:

True Blue Spa Cracked Heel Treatment - Heel of Approval This stuff has helped slowly wear down the worst of the dead skin. I recommend wearing gloves when you apply it. Bear in mind that it's not an instantaneous improvement; it takes a few applications over the course of a few days. But it does help.

Hemp Foot Protector My favorite line from The Body Shop is their Hemp line. The Hemp Foot Protector is great for daily application and the scent isn't overwhelming. I tend to put it on before I go to bed, but you can apply it whenever. I also recommend the hand cream and lip balm, if you want to try out other products in the line.

Burt's Bees Res-Q Ointment This stuff is great for any small cuts or scrapes you get. It's even good for blisters. I apply this to the actual splits/cuts after I've cleaned up the area. The scent that is most prominent is the lavender. You can get it either at the online shop or you can typically find it in the natural section of the grocery store--or at Whole Foods, in their body care isles.

Bag Balm I have a small tin of this at the moment. When that's empty, I'm going to find a bigger one. It smells a bit funky but it works wonders. Putting it on the worst sections of my heels has helped the skin smooth out without being tortured. The myriad of uses for it make it one of my must-haves for the house. The smaller tins can sometimes be found at quilting shops; that's where my mom used to pick up hers. The site has a link for finding stores that sell it as well.

PediClean foot paddle This is, essentially, a sandpaper-ish thing that you can use to get rid of dead skin on your feet. Mine came from a spa in Scottsdale (birthday present from my mom). Use it to basically sand down the worst of the callouses and or dead skin after soaking your feet. Apply your preferred lotion after using it; your feet will feel Very Nice.

Superfeet Insoles Regardless of whether you've got high arches or not, these insoles will make a world of difference for you. It takes a little getting used to but it's more than worth it. They have insoles for hiking, running, and even office work. I picked up mine at REI; the site has a store locator if you need to find out who in your area has these. (I have high arches and have plantar fasciitis, so these have made wearing boots and sneakers much nicer)

Our feet deserve some love. There are so many things that taking care of our feet can do for us; stress reduction is actually pretty high up on the list. Besides, doing small things to pamper one's feet is like having personal spa time in the comfort of your own home. I've found that I feel a bit more confident, in general, knowing that my feet don't ache.

It's not just for women. Men's feet need the love too. It never fails to make me smile when I see a guy getting a pedicure. It's just as important for men to take care of their feet as it is for women. And guys, trust me on this; it does not make you any less of a man for pampering yourself.

If you have any foot care suggestions you want to share, by all means do so. Ultimately, all of these self improvement things will come together as me truly loving myself.

self-improvement, mindset, may, medical, health, 2012, thoughts, inspire

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