Hold Me Whilst I Sleep

May 09, 2013 21:59

(This story has no banner; if you are interested in creating one for it, please let me know This is also posted on TMB, FFN, and in the community grangersnape100)

Summary: In a post-war world where Lord Voldemort has won, Severus grants Hermione a favour. A five part drabble series submitted to the GrangerSnape100 "Angel of Death" challenge.

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters and fictional places do not belong to me; I am merely borrowing them for playtime before (respectfully) putting them back. Thank you JKR, for allowing such things to happen.

Pairings/Main Characters: Hermione Granger and Severus Snape

Warnings: AU, Mention of Torture and Rape, Implied Character Death

Thank You: JeniDralph for introducing me to GrangerSnape100 and inspiring this drabble series (yet again), as well as supplying the prompt "Culling."

Hold Me Whilst I Sleep
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