Flooded Synopsis: Giles and Jenny are enjoying their sojourn in Bath, England, when they receive a call that Buffy's been brought back to life. And when they find out who's behind the sudden resurrection, Jenny and Willow finally throw down the verbal gauntlet in a long-overdue battle of wills.
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Comments 13
I also was looking forward to writing them in England -- because as you, and a couple others, have said, they didn't have all that apocalypse/demon-fighting stuff hanging over them for once. Plus, yes - an excuse for England sexytimes, lol. In my mind, Jenny's probably kept track of how many countries they've had sex in. Like some sort of sexual bucket-list. LOL. Because it would just be so very Jenny.
And the Quentin bit was just pure fun, for me. There are certain characters where I just really love writing their clash with Jenny. He's one, and Spike and Ethan are a couple others. Glad you liked that part. :D
I was hoping you would have Jenny meet the coven in Devon. Yay, same page! I had always planned on associating her with the Coven, once I set her up as the ' ( ... )
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