2012.03.15 AD - Echoes of kindness

Mar 15, 2012 00:00

Translation of Ohno Satoshi's 'Arashi Discovery'

Translations by ear (and japanese transcripts if I miss stuff).

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Good morning. This is Arashi's Ohno Satoshi.
Here's today's thought of the day; come on!

"Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless."

[BGM 'Wild At Heart']

Oh. I see. Such words stick in your head.

This is a quote by the Nobel Peace Prize winner, Mother Teresa. Even if the words are simple, they can be unforgettable if spoken with sympathy. Sometimes mere words can bring happiness to someone.

Well I guess there are times when they leave an impression, I suppose. Short phrases that leave a lasting impression. Ones that make you think. Short phrases spoken to that effect. Like about 2 words long. Um, "All right."

All right.

(laughs) I just said that gently. (laughs) "Mm" and such. For example if your friend is troubled and you're lending them an ear. As the listener, you'd go, "Mm. Mmhmm." There's a possibility that they'd feel more assured, right? Or something.

Like "It's okay."
"It's okay" is good.
It's sorta nice.

It's okay.

For some reason I became a girl there. (laughs)

It's okay.

(laughs) That's creepy, the way I said it. But "It's okay" is good.


(laughs) This is like Lola or something. It's Lola. (laughs) And then there's this one.


(laughs) I dunno. But stuff like "okay" or "it's okay" anyway. That sort of thing. The understanding sort. Like "understood". Saying "understood" kinda sounds firm, doesn't it? Like "understood!" If you say that in a sympathetic way, it might leave an impression. Let's try it.


See? Seems like something granddads and grandmas would say, right?



Guess it's "understood" after all. It's nice. So that's decided then. The best short but kind phrase.


That's all; this was Ohno Satoshi!


You really have to hear this one to understand. So much lost in translation!

As usual, pimping my Game Nikki X tag for new translations


-translations, *arashi discovery, **嵐, **嵐:大野智

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