Title: Sound of the Revolution, Chapter 08
Author: kevo
Pairing: Harry + Cedric.
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not claim ownership to these characters or the series they’re from.
Summary: In his fifth year, Harry faces ostracism with boyfriend Cedric for coming out and for declaring Voldemort has returned. (Order of the Phoenix canon re-write.)
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Comments 18
Awesome. Loved it- especially Ginny falling for another Gay guy, and the Harry/Cedric makeup in the RoR.
Wow, 5 years! I love the story and your writing just as much now as I did back then!
It is difficult to comprehend that you have been writing this for five years!
Of course, I only started reading it three years ago. (Did the math there about a dozen times because I refused to accept it was that long ago.)
POINT IS: blimey that is a long time.
I'll probably keep reading even if you do take another five years to finish. <3
Still, you've been reading for three, that's still a long time! Some mad crazy shit.
And you'll PROBABLY keep reading? PROBABLY? This is what I'm saying: dick!
Oh, and I love that throwback to the very beginning of your story. "Don't tempt me" was always a memorable line for me. How time flies!
It's totally okay that you took Cedric's side in the argument. I think I do, too. And, like I said, I hadn't originally intended to go into Cedric's insecurities on this one. Then I realized that I *always* make it Harry's fault. He may be the younger, less mature one of the pair, but that doesn't mean everything is always his fault. I felt it was important to make part of this be Cedric's issue, too. He's a character as much as Harry is.
I, too, loved that throwback. It was a completely last minute decision, I almost didn't keep it in. But you're right, it's always been memorable, and we STILL don't have an answer about what the hell he meant! I also threw in that bit about Cedric's dad teasing his mum about being Hufflepuff for continuity's sake. If "A Lack of Color" was about me developing my abilities as a general writer, I think "Sound of the Revolution" is about me developing a sense of continuity with my own characters and canon. It's fun!
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