Title: Terra Firma, Chapter 5 (COMPLETE)
Pairing/Characters: Harry/Cedric, OFC
Rating: PG-13
Warning: My new favorite type of AU, in which Cedric replaces the epilogue.
Disclaimer: Harry Potter & friends belong to JKR.
Summary: Years after the war, the last place Harry expected to see Cedric was on a plane headed to Florence.
A/N: Sorry for the long wait
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Comments 34
And thank you so much. I'm glad you enjoyed all the characters. :)
I like Harry's realization that he wants to be home more. "Harry hadn’t planned for those words to come out of his own mouth, but as soon as he made the statement, he knew it was true, and he wondered how long the decision had been forming": it feels very natural.
And then Cedric's big decision, a longer time coming... and Harry's decision to make sure Cedric will know he's supported. Very well done!
It's a big story; a big journey for them, in a lot of ways, and you handled it beautifully. Thank you for writing this story, I've really enjoyed it! :)
It's a big story; a big journey for them, in a lot of ways, and you handled it beautifully.
I'm so happy that you got that out of it! I sometimes worried about the story being too understated if anything, maybe because it's mainly a story about Cedric but from Harry's POV. And even though we're inside Harry's head, his personal journey feels much more off-camera to me. Does that even make sense? Anyhow, if you got a sense of how both of them have evolved, that fills me with authorial glee!
Thank you for reading! *scuttles off to read your update*
Understated is good. That's one of the things I liked best about Terra Firma. Not everything was up front and said out loud; a lot of it was just there in their gestures and in Harry's interpretations. It felt realistic that way, and right for the story, since they're both adults when they meet up again on the plane.
(And congrats on your Real Trial! How cool. If you ever have time again to write, let me know. :))
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