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Comments 44

do you know what they say about short men with big feet? passionforshoes May 6 2009, 18:58:12 UTC
If there's one thing Cindy hates, it's being injured. Of course, Cindy hates a lot of things, but being in pain is up there somewhere between number one (Prince Charming) and number two (Prince Charming) on her list of things to hate. Probably at one point seven or so. It's bad enough that her left arm is in a sling and she has all types of bumps, scrapes and bruises. What makes it worse is that fighting with damn Lumi caused it and she doesn't even have any painkillers to help her out. Sure, she heals fast being a Fable and all, but even some things take time. Where's the shitty doctor Swineheart when you need him?

It takes a little more than juggling to start dialing a customer's number on the shop phone with one hand. While waiting for the customer, Mr. Logan NoLastName, to pick up, Cindy curses the fact that only she is experienced enough to deal with custom orders. Something has got to give.


they have an adamantium skeleton? twodogsfighting May 6 2009, 19:40:43 UTC
That damn phone. He only kept it because it was marginally less annoying than having to check that Network thing all the time. It vibrated in a circle on the table in front of him and he checked the number before picking it up. Nobody he knew.


Regardless of how he would treat a person face to face, he always ends up a bit snappish over the phone. Something about being interrupted. The waitress comes over and he motions for a refill of his coffee - black - and the empty plate that formerly held a passable apple pie was taken away.


more like they have adamantium feet. passionforshoes May 6 2009, 22:47:27 UTC
Well, that's one way to answer the phone. Cindy rolls her eyes and sighs. She is not in the mood to be dealing with a difficult customer today.

"Hello, this is Cindy from The Glass Slipper. I'm trying to reach Logan about his request for a custom order," she greets the gruff voice on the line with a forced sweet as pie tone. Custom orders made her a lot of money; no need to screw it over by telling the customer to go fuck himself just yet.


is that supposed to be an insult? twodogsfighting May 6 2009, 22:54:44 UTC
Logan's tone softens to something a little less grouchy, not that it's really noticeable. She's trying to be nice, he had given them his number, and he did want a new pair of boots. So he was willing to compromise.

"Right. I need a pair of custom-fitted cowboy boots. Nothin' fancy, but quality, an' I heard your shop was the place to go for quality."

The compliment didn't cost him anything and was the closest she'd get to an apology for his earlier snap.


let's conspire to ignite; 1inageneration May 6 2009, 21:10:22 UTC
Okay, starting now? Buffy is officially On Break. No, don't look at her like that Niko. And it's not like she has any students right now. It's a slow night and she's got time to kill until nine.

But having time to kill didn't mean that she had time to watch some Twilight Zone with a tub of popcorn or maybe Ben and Jerry's. Sadly enough, time to kill meant training- because she could just picture Giles' face right now. If he were here he'd tell her about the importance of being DILIGENT and having CONSTANT VIGILANCE for the next time the world is going to explode and she has to stick sharp pieces of wood in various grr, argh monsters to stop that from happening.

Buffy starts with a few quick stretches. Leaning down to touch her palms to the floor, sliding into a perfect pair of splits, maybe a backflip or two. At least it's familiar, routine- and there's some comfort in that.


let's conspire to ignite; twodogsfighting May 6 2009, 21:37:34 UTC
It was like stepping into a small piece of Japan and put Logan immediately at his ease. It was even difficult to find traditional dojo like this in modern Japan. He could hear a few people inside, but he wasn't here to disturb. Taking off his heavy boots at the door, he left them out front and padded inside to take a look around.

He'd still prefer to do his morning forms outside, but this wouldn't be a bad place to bring Rachel and Kitty, when she was better. The young blond stretching caught his eye as one of the few around and he leant against a firm pillar to watch idly.


let's conspire to ignite; 1inageneration May 6 2009, 21:46:40 UTC
"Hi, can I help you with something?" on a normal person's terms, Logan may not have made much noise, but slayer senses were a good thing to have in a City like this. Buffy turns to glance at him, leaning against a pillar. It was kind of late for another visitor, and call it intuition, but Buffy was getting the feeling that he was not quite he appeared to the eye.

Or, you know, he could be some random guy who really wanted to learn how to fence.

"...I should probably insert a line here about classes- unless you're here for practicing in which case the intact punching bags are in that corner over there." It could be more accurately stated that they were the punching bags she had left intact this week.

One day, she was going to give Niko a heart attack.


let's conspire to ignite; twodogsfighting May 6 2009, 22:04:00 UTC
Fencing was one thing he wasn't very good at. Kendo, sure, fencing not so much. But then, he'd never had a fencing teacher like Master Ogun.

The girl was moving just a little too fast, a little too strong for human, but that was nothing extrodinary in this City. People didn't have to be mutants to have powers, after all, just look at Peter Parker, but it would still be rude to ask.

"Nope, just takin' a look around," Logan replied, stoic as ever. "This place always open to sparring?" He straightened once again and gave the wooden pillar a little pat. He could come to like this place.


in ur phonez callin u back; alittlecredit May 7 2009, 00:25:14 UTC
If you work like Cable, this is just going to end up forwarded to your voicemail. So. Hey, Wolverine, I guess this is the part where we meet somewhere and I explain to your satisfaction or risk getting my stinkin' ass kicked.

You can just swing by and meet me at my place. It's right above Jamie's firm. I'll either be there or in the office. If I'm not home there's beer and leftovers in the fridge.


{action} i_themagician May 7 2009, 05:46:06 UTC
[ It's not too late in the day, not even sundown yet. Clow probably shouldn't be at a bar at this hour and with things the way they've been lately, but there he is - pipe in one hand, his forehead cradled in the other as he leans over the bar and tries to block out life. In a city like this it's possible that even his nineteenth century English mode of dress doesn't particularly stand out, or maybe it does. ]


{action} twodogsfighting May 7 2009, 21:07:14 UTC
[It's only the determined drinkers in the bar at this time of day and Logan recognizes Clow's position almost immediately. By now Logan has given up on judging anyone by their clothes, given that most definitely wouldn't expect a short hairy Westerner to speak near-fluent Japanese. He puts that skill to use now to order a flask of sake as he sits a few seats down. It was not as though he had much better to do than drink all day.]


[action] just youknow whenever you're free moresake May 9 2009, 22:46:47 UTC
[She'd promised to call him, and it hadn't been a lie; she tried to avoid those whenever possible. Lies have consequences. Besides, she was happy to see someone else here in the City whom she'd met before.]

[She'd planned to meet him at a local sake bar. She was waiting already, if waiting meant already drinking.]


[action] twodogsfighting May 11 2009, 03:32:49 UTC
[He wouldn't expect her to wait on him to start, and with his healing factor a head start would keep them more evenly paced. Not that he'd ever tell her that.

She was easy to spot in the crowded bar, always poised and elegant, and Logan slipped into a seat beside her.]


[action] moresake May 11 2009, 04:52:13 UTC
[She senses his approach and turns when he sits down, smiling and lifting her cup.]

Logan. Nice to see you in person again.


[action] twodogsfighting May 13 2009, 00:48:50 UTC
Same to you.

[Motioning for a new jug and cup.]

Keepin' busy?


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