I hate dogs. X.x They’re now rated official EBUL in my books >_> Why the sudden prejudice you may ask? It can all be summed up in one simply, r rated answer
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Twittchy! This is evilclarence, except I got sick of my old username, and got a new one! ^^; So add meh new one to your friends list, please? *puppy dog eyes* And DAMN IT, I want to read your new KakaSaku! TT_TT Curse you, you tease! *shakes fist*
^_^ Okay.. When I seen jewel_song I was like... uh.... x.o; I'll add you though ^_^ *goes to add* AND DON'T GIVE ME PUPPY EYES! *twittches* >_>
Dun shake your likkle fist at me x.o; I'm working on it... I Finally finished planning out about...two seconds ago =_=; At least now It's all planned, from beginning to end. *ish proud*
Except.... *needs to find Emma* x.x I've got two different scenes.. and I don't know which one to use v_V;;
It should be out... in..well.. NEVER! *insert evil laugh here* O.O Actualy... maybe in two weeks at the most.. depends on how much I write on it x.x; And then I also am doing a smutty fic for Kel; cos it's her birthday in a month x_o; I should start now If I ever want to get it done v_v;
Comments 4
Dun shake your likkle fist at me x.o; I'm working on it... I Finally finished planning out about...two seconds ago =_=; At least now It's all planned, from beginning to end. *ish proud*
Except.... *needs to find Emma* x.x I've got two different scenes.. and I don't know which one to use v_V;;
It should be out... in..well.. NEVER! *insert evil laugh here* O.O Actualy... maybe in two weeks at the most.. depends on how much I write on it x.x; And then I also am doing a smutty fic for Kel; cos it's her birthday in a month x_o; I should start now If I ever want to get it done v_v;
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