Caught a cold from my Mom. Not nice, Mom. Asked Dad about taking a first aid class. Was a mite humiliated when he asked why and all I would tell him was 'nightmares.' Only a partial truth, but still. *sigh* Fooling around with a microphone. Trying to write. Godzilla's on right now (I love that movie to death) and I can't watch it because
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Comments 4
what kind of nightmares?
Now THESE nightmares started up a few months ago. No odd settings, they all start in the house here- sometimes a school I remember- and I wind up seeing someone seriously injured somehow (it may or may not be my fault, but in the end I don't know what to do to help and there's no way to get help for whatever reason).
Examples, Gabriel being crushed to death in an earthquake. David, in a bout of stupidity, jumping over our second story ledge in a way that would completely destroy his legs. (the latter injury in unlikely, but it IS something he would do.) Regan not noticing her hand melting to the stove while she cooking. Gabriel, Alanna, and Jackson being shot up ( ... )
why not just tell him that you want to know so that you can DO something if something goes wrong? There's nothing wrong at all with knowing how to save lives. He should be glad you've got an interest in it at all. Most people don't give a damn and think "oh, it'll never happen to me!"
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