New decks
Game set
serenti mastered spiral and is now collecting answer!
raikka_lilly mastered king and is now collecting platinum!
disutansu mastered jump and is still collecting reflection!
xianaasuka mastered tarundoru, minor, kindan, kenken and is now collecting balance!
ashkahchan mastered monks and is now collecting crime!
serenti mastered answer and is now collecting volleyball!
Match set
kamikuro and
onewhomust leveled up from Rookie to Ranking Tournament!
anneko_mc leveled up from District Preliminaries to Prefecturals!
raikka_lilly and
xianaasuka leveled up from Ranking Tournament to District Preliminaries!
Please take 3 cards from the newly released decks above! They must all be from different decks. Comment with what you took.
Not much to say! I'm still in Japan walking my feet off. Comiket was CRAZY. I bought a bit too much Tenipuri doujinshi. :'D
Lots of people seem to be nearing the end of their vacation. I hope everyone hangs in there~. Until next week!