We almost finished last round! We were only one card away. The image turned out pretty funny. XD
I've been sick lately, and when I get sick, I watch me some Tenimyu, particularly Dream Lives. SO! We're gonna collect us some Dream live decks.
Round Specific Rules
This time we're collecting decks of dream live decks (combination, contest, on my way, speech, depend, dojo, kagayake, stage, medly, elite, semero and oretachi)
You can donate three of the same deck.
Cards don't have to match the filler slots.
You still have to stick to the one-card-per-number rules.
General Rules
1. You CANNOT donate a card that is ALREADY up there.
2. Be sure to CHECK BELOW COMMENTS before commenting. CTRL+F is your friend ;o
3. You can only donate TWO cards a week! So when a new week starts, you can donate again 8)
4. If you donate before a week you get Two random cards & ONE random item for every card you donate
Anything after that is just TWO random cards 8) SO get those cards in by Saturday, August 28th! Round ends Saturday, September 4th!
Bonus: If the grid is completed by the end of two weeks, each donor will receive an extra item02 each for participating!
5. You'll receive your prize when you donate it, not at the end of every round if you're wondering, except for the item02 which will be given at the completion of the deck(s).