Title: I Said Forever Pairing: Ten/Rose Rating: PG Summary: When Rose and the Doctor land on a distant planet, they stumble right into a disease that only humans are vulnerable to. A/N: Spoilery disease details: [Spoiler (click to open)]body paralysis, Rose's POV; I figure that could count as a trigger/warning for some, so I'm playing it safe. Also, tis my first time
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Hey, beautiful. Always happy to indulge your het trolling (lololol, awesome word combo), and I'm so glad this is what you were looking for. This entire comment just makes me so happy, and I can't respond in depth because I'm currently up at my Grandma's, and using the internet at the local community center, but thank you for the kind word, and for saying I'm one of the strongest ladies I know (cause... yeah, yeah that was largely drawn on personal experiences), and for the wonderful words and feedback. Lotsa hugs in your direction. ♥
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