Title: Until The Lost Become The Found
Rating: NC-17
Pairings: All possible variations of Dean/Castiel/future!Castiel.
A/N: An AU that picks up immediately after 'The End'. Also, the title is based on
this song, because it's my quintessential future!Cas song.
Summary: Although Dean may have been unable to save his brother in that hellish future world, there's a certain fallen angel that Castiel might just be able to rescue in time.
Word count: 36,000
Warnings: Drug abuse, past drug abuse, alcohol abuse, violence, memories of Hell (flashbacks to torture), implied prostitution.
Also, amazing artwork by
peach_gurl can be can be
found over here, and the PDF for this story
can be found here.
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five Part Six Part Seven