She Does It Through Love - August 19th

Aug 19, 2018 00:13

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 19

Title: She Does It Through Love
Author:  hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Star Wars people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Athena learns more about the Slayer and her unique place.

Notes: Athena Luthor Part 14 - Links Page
Seasons: S1Ep8 “Jitters”
Characters: Athena, Clark, Angel, Lex, Giles, Martha, Jonathan
Word Count: 2825

Athena collapsed back on the cold ground, looking up at the dark sky. It was evening, the sun had been down for hours allowing them to train unseen.

Clark looked down at her in surprise.

They had pushed each other to test their limits. He was faster and stronger, but she was the superior fighter and more skilled strategist.

“What’s wrong?” Clark asked.

Athena blew out a breath. “I admire your stamina, but I’ve got to tap out.” She grinned as he lay down on the ground next to her.

His hand slipped into hers.

“Is Lex going to come looking for you?” Clark asked.

“Not until midnight,” she replied. She stared up at the stars.

They lay in silence.

Athena frowned suddenly and turned over to look at Clark.

“What?” Clark asked.

“I feel something…” she whispered.

He smiled. “Me too.”

“No - well, yes, but something else is here.” She told him.

They both pushed to their feet, staring into the shadows.

“Whose there?” she demanded.

“A friend,” a voice said.

“Angel?” Athena said, finally seeing the man step from the shadows.

“Didn’t mean to scare you,” Angel told them. “Or your friend.” He approached them in the middle of the field.

“Boyfriend,” Clark said.

“Really?” Athena asked, surprised.

Clark gave a sheepish tip of his shoulder.

“Clark, this is Angel. Angel, this is Clark, my boyfriend.”

“It’s nice to meet you,” Clark said politely.

Angel shifted slightly.

“What are you doing here?” Athena asked. “I thought you couldn’t survive on the blood around Smallville.”

“I brought my own supply,” Angel explained. “I came to check on you.”


“A new…” He looked at Clark, not sure how much to say.

“Clark knows as much about the supernatural as I do,” Athena said.

“A new Slayer was Called a couple weeks ago,” Angel told them. “Since that only happens when the current Slayer dies…I thought I was headed for the cemetery.”

“I’m obviously not dead.”

“But you did die,” Clark reminded her. “Your heart stopped for a few minutes before I started CPR.”

“Would that be enough?” Athena asked Angel.

“Possibly,” Angel admitted.

“And you came all the way out here, because…?”

Angel looked away. “I was supposed to be here, to protect you.”

“That’s…nice. But I don’t need protecting. I’m quite capable of handling myself.” She grinned. “And what gets past me, Clark takes care of.”

Angel frowned. “A boy?”

“If it wasn’t for him, you would be visiting my grave,” she shot back. She took a deep breath. “Look, I appreciate the journal as a crash course in what I am, but we have our own way of doing things.”

Angel nodded. “Right. Of course.”

“Are you going to go help the new Slayer?” Clark asked.

“No. She was a trained Potential, she has a Watcher.” He considered Athena. “I have never heard of their being more than one Slayer…”

“You’d think it would be a vampire’s worst nightmare,” she said.

“If you’re really a vampire,” Clark said. “Why are you helping Athena?”

Angel’s face shifted, letting his yellow eyes, fangs, and ridges through for a moment to prove he was indeed a creature of legend. When he morphed back, he was looking at Clark. He seemed to debate his words, how to explain. “There are several prophecies about Slayers. Most are ignored except in a time of crisis. There are prophecies about Slayers dying, about some of them that had unusual abilities. There are even a handful about who will love a Slayer…”

“What?” Athena asked.

“There is one about a Slayer who will love a souled vampire and redeem him,” Angel told them. But neither did more than wait for him to continue. “There is another about the Slayer taming the heart of a pure demon of old. One even says a god from beyond the stars will love a Slayer.”

“A god from beyond the stars?” she scoffed. Clark tensing slightly.

“Alien,” Angel stated blandly. “Some of them have abilities that defy even magic.”

“So on top of the supernatural, I’ve got to be on the lookout for E.T.?”

“Most of them are human-looking, those that aren’t either blend in or keep to demon communities.” He shrugged. “Figure the same applies to them as demons, as long as they do no harm to humans, they aren’t the focus of the Slayer.”

“What makes these prophecies different than the others?” Athena asked.

Angel studied her, his dark eyes drinking her in. “Because Slayers have the innate ability to transform others. She - you are created to save the world, it creates a ripple effect. So Slayers who redeem those who are dark and inhuman, does the world a service that is unique - and she does it through love.”

Athena swallowed. Okay, that’s a bit of a tall order. “Can I get copies of some of the prophecies?”

“Yeah, I’ll see what I have,” Angel assured her.

“It’s getting late,” Clark said.

“We should get going,” Athena agreed.

“I’ve got a supply for only a couple of days,” Angel told them. “I was thinking we could spar, see how your training holds up.”

“Yes, tomorrow night?” She looked at Clark. “You available?”

“Yeah. We can meet out here,” Clark suggested. “Nine o’clock?”

Angel nodded.

They parted ways.

Clark and Athena reached the Kent Farm not long after and headed into the house.

“So there are prophecies too,” Clark said.

“Lana swears one of the women at the nursing home she volunteers at, is a seer,” Athena told him.

“Considering I just saw a vampire-”

“A vampire?” Martha said as she came in from the living room with Jonathan.

“Angel,” Athena clarified, “the one who gave me the journal.”

“He came to check up on you?” Jonathan asked.

“Wish it sounded that…parental,” she told them. “But I think he thought I was supposed to be someone else.” She rubbed her face. “I am meeting him again tomorrow.”

“Why?” Martha asked, “If you doubt his intentions?”

“Unless I’m willing to track down the Council that watches Slayers or travel a few hundred miles to actually interact with the supernatural world, unfortunately, Angel is my only connection to what I am.”

Jonathan shared a look with Clark over her head. It was essentially the same reason the Kents kept the ship so close, it was the only way for Clark to understand where he came from.


Clark watched as Angel was thrown across the field again. He wondered a moment if Athena was going all out to prove a point or just to test herself against the type of opponent Slayers normally battled.

Angel also had no problem hitting her. Within a minute of starting, he slugged her hard. It had only seemed to egg her on. They were evenly matched. Both were strategic, Angel was fast with experience on his side, but Athena was stronger and ruthless.

Angel lay at the base of a tree, dazed, his forehead and lip were bleeding.

“We should call it,” Athena said dropping to sit next to Clark.

“Tired?” Clark asked softly.

“Nah, I think I’ve proven I am trained enough to be left alone.”

Angel nodded as he pushed to his feet. “It would appear your father has seen you well trained.” He looked at Clark. “But you are putting him in danger.”

Athena nodded. “Possibly.  But that seems to be the price of living in Smallville. He’s free to leave a fight whenever he feels overwhelmed.”

“He also becomes a target-”

“Enough,” Clark said, getting to his feet. “If I’m in danger it’s not Athena’s fault. Just like Pete or Whitney or Lana or Chloe being targeted by those changed by the meteor rocks, it’s not their fault and it’s not Athena’s.”

“And at least two of them, they weren’t really at fault,” Athena said. “Sean and Jodi…the meteor rock made it impossible for them to function without sucking people dry. And Jodi fought, hard, to avoid hurting people. She’s not evil, she’s dangerous, but she maintained her humanity in the face of something that others did not even try to do the right thing.”

Clark grimaced, knowing Athena was still reeling from Jodi being institutionalized after being affected by the meteor rock a week before.

Angel watched them defend each other and those who had been affected. Whatever else he had thought about them, it was clear they cared about each other. He mused that they seemed to spend most of their time side-by-side, but neither hesitated to step in front of the other.

He lifted a small grocery bag from the ground. “These are the books I told you about. It’s not everything, but it does expand on some of the journal.”

“Who wrote the journal?” Athena asked.

“I did,” he admitted. “I don’t have access to the Slayer handbook. I figured writing everything out would make it easier to explain.” He reached into the bag and pulled out three books. “I had to find ones that were in English, so I’ve only got a demonology book, a book about magic, and the translations of a sixteenth century manuscript of a collection of prophecies.”

Athena raised an eyebrow. “I speak more than ten languages and read almost twice that.”

“But not demon languages,” Angel explained. “Or Ancient Sumerian or Latin-”

“Latin, yes,” she corrected.

“I’ll keep that in mind. I’m heading home tomorrow night.” He handed a card to Clark. “If you need to reach me.”

“Here,” Athena pulled a piece of paper from the inside pocket of her jacket. “In case you need to get in touch with me, leave a message with the Kents.”

Angel pocketed the card.

Athena held out her hand. “Thank you.”

He took it, shook it a moment before releasing it, then exchanged a handshake with Clark.

Clark and Athena waited until he was gone before turning to each other.

Clark looked at her face. “Those aren’t going to be easy to hide.”

“Yeah,” she admitted, touching the split on her lip. “I only have to avoid being seen for a day. So somehow I am and I’m not the Slayer…”


Lex entered his office to find Athena sitting in front of his fireplace, a glass of brandy on his chair. He lifted the glass and sat down to look at his sister. He sipped his brandy.

“Any word on where Father is going to be for Christmas?” she asked.

He sighed and set the glass on his thigh, his fingers splayed around the rim to keep it in place. “Nothing yet.”

“Trying to plan anything around him is exhausting,” she muttered.

Lex grinned. “I’m aware. We got lucky he had business in Hong Kong over Thanksgiving.”

“Think we can strike gold twice?”

“Knowing Father, on the morning of the twenty-third we’ll be ordered back to Metropolis.”

“I was hoping we could plan a small party for New Year’s Eve.”

He lifted an eyebrow in surprise. “I thought you didn’t party.”

“I don’t. But I’m trying to avoid the New Year’s party Father attends each year.”

“And you’re hoping if we’ve already invited people from town, Father will be inclined to leave you here.”

“Smallville has turned me into a bit of an optimist,” she agreed with a smile.

“Who do you want to invite?”

“The newspaper staff, some other people from school, a few people from town.”

“Perhaps a few people from the plant and the Kents…?” he suggested. “We could host together, if you don’t object.”

“Avoiding Father too?”

“Just taking advantage of your strategy, Attie.” He studied her. “What do you have planned for the week?”

“The Torch final meeting to put the big Christmas issue to bed and get assignments for the first issue next term. A night in with Clark and a weekend of signing the company Christmas cards.”

He grimaced. “Has Father already signed them?”

“You mean his secretary? Yes, Tiffany sent them over yesterday. She requests we get them sent out by Thursday.”

“And you agreed?”

“I try not to make her life more difficult than it needs to be,” Athena replied. “Part of not killing the messenger.”

“Sometimes I question if you’re a Luthor,” Lex told her. “You’re much too nice.”

“On the surface,” she told him. “Beneath the hearts and kittens a ruthless, calculating bitch lies in wait.”

Lex snorted his disbelief.

“Despite what Father tried to turn us into…I think we could be perfectly happy as normal people.” She looked around the richly appointed office. “I’d give all of this up for love.”

“Just like that?” He snapped his fingers.

She smiled. “I don’t know that it would be that easy.”

“And what would you do?”

“I have no idea…” she admitted. Her uncertainty stemmed from the fact that she had never imagined herself as anything but a company girl - meant to soften how her father and brother appeared to the public and sent to do visible charity work to help the company image. She had not been lying to Lex weeks before, she expected to be married off as incentive to a competing company. “What would you do?” She countered.

“I’ve never been in love,” he told her. “So I’m not sure I’d give up anything for one person.”


Athena ran up the Kent’s drive before school. She stopped, seeing Jonathan crouched checking the back of his truck.

“Problem?” she asked as she approached.

“Morning, Athena,” Jonathan greeted. “Exhaust hanger snapped.” He turned towards the house. “Clark!” He called.

Athena grabbed the frame of the truck and lifted. “Is this high enough?”

Surprised, Jonathan nodded. “I forget you can do that.” He worked to fix the hanger.

“It’s the packaging,” she told him. “Five two and a buck twenty doesn’t really scream ‘lifts trucks.’”

Martha and Clark joined them. “I left the number of our hotel on the nightstand,” Marth said. “I think that’s everything.”

“That ought to do it,” Jonathan said getting out from under the truck.

Athena lowered it. “Notice Clark didn’t even offer to help.”

Clark shrugged. “You can lift the truck and you like to.”

She grinned.

“If you need anything…” Martha told Clark again.

“Call,” Clark finished for her. “Mom, it’s a couple of nights in Metropolis. I’ll be fine.”

“I’m sure he’ll be fine,” Jonathan said. “And soon, madam, so shall we be.”

“Oh, I almost forgot,” Clark pulled an envelope out of his pocket and handed it to Martha. “Happy Anniversary.”

“Thank you, sweetheart,” Martha said, getting into the truck.

Athena and Clark watched as they turned down the drive.

“It’ll be waiting in their hotel room,” Athena told him. “Just like we discussed.”

“Thank you.” Clark kissed her.

“Anytime. Unless you want to super-speed to school, we need to get going.”


Giles sighed, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes. Between grading papers for the language classes and the school newspaper, he was swamped. It was a good thing Athena had not been the Slayer, he did not have the time to train her.

Two cards appeared on his desk. He looked up to see Athena Luthor standing before him, smiling.

“Good morning, Athena.” He picked up the cards, both bore his name.

“One is the staff Christmas card. The other is an invitation for New Year’s Eve.”

“That’s very kind, thank you,” he set them down to be opened later.

“I’ve invited the entire newspaper staff as well as several of our largest advertisers. My brother and I are hosting it together, so it will not just be high schoolers.”

He nodded. “I’ll look it over and let you know.”

“I’ve e-mailed you and Chloe my story for the issue this week. I’m still trying to come up with my resolution for post-holiday issue, but I’ve got nothing.”

“Perhaps the holidays themselves will inspire you.”

Athena shook her head. “I don’t think so. But if you have an idea, please share.”

“Not as of yet,” he replied, returning to his papers.


Martha opened the door to the hotel room. Everything was blue patterns in varying shades. Jonathan followed her in with the suitcases.

“It’s beautiful,” Martha told him as she went to the small table. On it was a package. “What’s this?”

“I don’t know,” Jonathan replied as he approached her.

Martha plucked off a small envelope and pulled out the card.

Happy Anniversary
- C & A

She showed it to Jonathan and opened the box. There was a wood picture frame with words for love carved into it in different languages. Next to it was a handful of daisies and a disposable camera.

“Where did they get this?” Jonathan asked.

“I think they made it,” Martha told him as she turned it over to reveal their initials and the date on the back of the frame.

“That would explain one of the tree trunk that was pulled up a few weeks ago,” he said.

So this chapter could have been called "Obsession by Angel - cuz nobody does it better". Admittedly, as I get older, early-BtVS Angel comes off worse and worse. Love the character, just sometimes he REALLY needs to act his age... Clark and Athena having a few teenage moments.

fandom: smallville, author: hermione2be, !2018 august event

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