Title: Unexpected Guest
Author: 3am_moonlight
Crossover: BtVS / Harry Potter (JKR)
Rating: Gen / Teen.
Word Count: 1,015.
Timeline: BtVS: S05's The Gift and book 5 (the Order of the Phoenix) of HP.
Disclaimer: The Buffyverse belongs to Joss and the Harry Potter 'verse belongs to JKR.
Summary: Buffy doesn't go to Heaven after she jumps off Glory's Tower, instead she lands at Hogwarts.
Author's Note:
One moment Buffy was falling head first after having jumped off Glory's Tower to save Dawn and the world, and then she passed through the interdimensional portal. The next thing she knew she wasn't in Sunnydale anymore but instead inside a large room full of teenagers, her body had also somehow righted itself and she was now falling feet first. A few seconds later she landed gently if a little unsteadily in front of what she absently noted had to be a dining hall of a boarding school. In front of her were several hundred students and when she turned and looked over her shoulder she saw some kind of podium with what she assumed were the faculty, despite the old-fashioned robes they were all wearing.
The teachers, if that's what they were, were dressed in robes of different colors while the students were all in completely black robes. The really old looking man in the throne-like chair in the middle was wearing a robe in an unfortunate and eye-watering combination of pink and orange with yellow stars and blue clouds. Really, there were fashion disasters and then there was this guy. Maybe he'd lost a bet?
"Um, hi?" she tried and smiled towards the man she assumed was in charge of the school or whatever this was. She felt a little self-conscious as everyone around her seemed to be wearing cloaks or dresses and here she was wearing pants and looking really out of place. A stray thought likened the situation to the time Anya had shown up to a Halloween party wearing a bunny costume because Xander had told her to pick a costume that scared her.
The old man rose from his chair and in the same movement revealed his long white beard was long enough to tuck into his belt. "Hello, my dear. My name is Albus Dumbledore and I am the Headmaster of this school. Who might you be and how did you get here?"
Buffy blinked. Either she was somewhere in Britain or there was a... Wait, he'd said 'headmaster' not 'principal'. She really, probably was in Britain. "Buffy Summers and I'm not really sure." The portal was supposed to lead to other dimensions and Glory's home hell dimension in particular. It wasn't supposed to lead to Britain.
"You're American! How wonderful!" The old man was a little too cheerful about that, but Buffy could feel a vague sense of needing to pass out. She was pretty certain only the saturated magic of this building was keeping her conscious and upright at this point. But while this Dumblebore fellow was getting excited a middle-aged woman in an ugly pink cardigan began clearing her throat, loudly, and it took Buffy a few seconds to realize she had gotten up as well.
"I am Delores Jane Umbridge, Under Secretary to the British Ministry of Magic. You are to tell me, right now, how you got here and how you managed to get through all of the wards surrounding Hogwarts!" An unbidden thought of toads, and Willow's fear of them, popped into her head before the woman's words suddenly penetrated her increasingly foggy mind.
"I jumped through a portal, but it wasn't supposed to bring me to the other side of the planet. I really don't know how or why it brought me here." She thought about it for a moment and then added, "This school is called *Hogwarts* and there's a Ministry for Magic?"
The toad-like woman, Umbridge, somehow managed to look down her nose at Buffy as if she'd suddenly turned into something disgusting. Then she changed her tone of voice to a childish and sickeningly sweet one, "You're a muggle, so you must be terribly afraid right now suddenly finding out magic is real."
Buffy managed to squeeze in a reply while the unpleasant woman was inhaling to continue with her no-doubt insulting speech. "I know magic is real, I've known about it for years, but what's a muggle and why do you use the word as an insult?"
Bumbledore chose to answer the question rather than allow his fellow teacher to reply and said, "A muggle is a person who does not have any magic nor do they have any relatives with magic. There are unfortunately quite a few members of our community who believe those people are worth less than those who have magic." He gave her a kind smile while Umbridge glowered beside him.
"That's both rude and racist," Buffy replied as she began seeing dark spots in her peripheral view. Behind her, the students began whispering, some of them in shock at her apparent nerve and others in agreement. But she was having a hard enough time focusing on the people right in front of her, so, for the time being, she chose to ignore the kids and pay attention to the older generation.
"Are you feeling well, Miss Summers? You look rather pale and unsteady." No, I'm definitely not okay, Buffy thought to herself. Aloud, she said,
"Not really, I was in a fight before I jumped and I think the portal did something to me it wasn't supposed to do." She swayed and only her Slayer reflexes stopped her from an ungraceful fall to the stone floor. Either her words or her lack of balance caused several of the people on the platform to rise and move around the table to get closer to her. She wasn't certain how she felt about that, but as the dark spots became larger and the dizziness became worse she found she didn't really care.
A moment later everything went dark and quiet.
In the Great Hall, several people ran forward in an attempt to catch the strange woman but none of them managed to reach her in time. In the sea of people, one older woman was let through and she raised her wand and levitated their unexpected guest. Ignoring the ministry toad she walked from the Great Hall and all the way to the hospital wing where she lowered the young woman to a bed.