You Still Don't Get It, Do You, Jim? - August 22nd

Aug 22, 2017 01:00

Twisted Shorts August Fic-a-Day Challenge - Day 22

Title: You Still Don't Get It, Do You, Jim?
Author: hermione2be
Rating: PG/FR13/K+
Crossover: BtVS/Star Trek Into Darkness
Disclaimer: I do not own any of BtVS/Angel or Star Trek people, places, or ideas. This fiction is done simply for pleasure and I receive no profit.
Summary: Things go sideways...then upside-down

Notes: Part 11 - Links Page
Seasons: Post-series/Star Trek Into Darkness
Characters: Buffy, Kirk, Spock, Scotty, etc.
Word Count: 1445

Buffy crouched in the trash exhaust behind Kirk and Khan. She knew why she was going with. Kirk needed assurances that Khan would not escape. But they needed Khan to get to Marcus before the weapons were repaired and charged. Though only those on the bridge had heard her spiel, she had already started getting looks.

“Ready?” Kirk asked.

“Are you?” Khan replied.

Buffy rolled her eyes. “Thank goodness for spacesuits or I’d be choking on testosterone.” She wedged herself behind them. The door was tiny and she needed to be a second behind them to get inside.

“Spock, pull the trigger,” Kirk ordered.

Yes, Captain. Launching activation sequence on…three, two, one.

The hatch opened, Kirk and Khan shot off towards the other ship. Buffy held herself in place for a full ten-count. Then she released the sides and kicked off at the same time. She went spiraling out of the exhaust port. She looked at the stars as she danced and tumbled beneath them.

Watch where you’re going, Lieutenant, Sulu said.

She chuckled as she twirled below a chunk of debris.

You’re way off course, McCoy’s voice said in her com.

“I’ve got it under control,” she told them. “But why is Jim at my one o’clock?”

I’m working my way back, Kirk assured them. Scotty, you’re gonna be ready with that door, right?

They were trying to get a response from Scott when Kirk cursed.

My helmet was hit.

Buffy swung wide, barely avoiding small debris. It appeared they had lost Khan as he tried to dodge some large structures.

Spock, my display’s dead. I’m flying blind.

Buffy pushed off the next piece of debris she passed and amped her thrusters for half a second. She turned onto her back, sliding in under Kirk.

“Slayer assistance program, how can I keep you from dying today?” she asked.

You’re a menace, he accused.

“Completely,” she agreed. Turning her head to check their target, she winced. “On my mark we need to move to your left six degrees.” She eyed a piece of debris. “Mark.”


Buffy, Kirk, Scotty, and Kahn entered the bridge of Marcus’s ship firing. As soon as only they and Marcus and Carol remain, Scotty shot Khan.

“Make sure he stays down,” Kirk ordered.

“Admiral Marcus, you’re under arrest,” Kirk cited calmly.

Buffy moved to stand behind Kirk’s right shoulder.

“You’re not actually going to do this, are you?” Marcuse asked.

“Admiral, get out of the chair,” Kirk ordered.

“You’d better stop and think about what you’re doing, Kirk,” Admiral Marcus said. “You better think about what you did on Qo’noS. You made an incursion onto an enemy planet.”

“Actually, we didn’t,” Buffy said. “As far as Chak of the House of Konjah is concerned, it was simply a most honored legend asking a single favor of a Great House.” She shook her head. “No one died, no honor is at stake.”

“You’re her,” Carol said. “Aren’t you?”

“Who?” Scotty asked.

“The Slayer, a myth, even for those at Section 31, but you were a person to keep an eye out for.”

“Well, I found you,” she replied.

There was a moment of confusion as Carol screamed. Buffy’s head twisted, her vertebrae snapping was the last thing she heard.


Buffy came alive, the memory returning as she looked around. She was alone with Khan on the bridge. She stood to glare at him.

“You are not right,” he accused.

“Could say the same.” She looked at Marcus’s crushed head. “Where are Kirk and Scotty?”

“There,” he sneered. It was a moment later she was standing in the transporter room of Enterprise.

“Commander,” one of the technicians reported, “we’ve got Lieutenant Winters.”

Crew of the Enterprise, prepare for imminent proximity detonation, Spock’s voice rang out. Buffy went running for the medbay.

“Where are they?” he asked looking around for anyone that had been on Marcus’s ship.

“You’re the first to arrive,” McCoy said.

Buffy turned around slowly, trying to make sense of things. All of medical was covered in cryo tubes. “Are these…”

“All of them.”

Female screams preceded Kirk and Scott carrying Carol into medical.

“Good to see you, Jim,” McCoy said as the nurses got Carol settled.

“You helped Spock detonate those torpedoes?” Kirk asked.

“Damn right I did.”

“He killed Khan’s crew,” he said in disbelief.

Buffy smacked the back of Kirk’s head. “You’re an idiot.”

“I’ve got Khan’s crew,” McCoy clarified, pointing to the cyro tubes on beds and floors of the larger part of medical.

The ship’s warning alarms started to blare.

“We’re losing power,” Scotty said.

“We need to get to engineering,” Kirk told them.

“Go!” Buffy demanded.

They barely made it to a main junction when the ship’s gravity went wonky.

Evacuation protocols initiated. Proceed to exit bays and report to your assigned shuttle. The computer played the message on a loop. By the time they were in engineering and formulating plans, Buffy wanted to rip the vocal cords from the ship’s computer.

They had finally reached the last steps of getting the power redirect when the computer called out Core misaligned. Danger.

“Oh, no, no, no, no!” Scott cursed.

“What?” Kirk asked.

“The housings are misaligned. There’s no way we can redirect the power! The ship’s dead, sir. She’s gone.”

“No, she’s not,” Kirk moved towards a door with Danger written all over it.

“Wait, Jim!” Scott said. “If we go in there, we’ll die! Do you hear me?” He kept trying to get in front of Kirk. Buffy waited patiently by the door. “The radiation will kill us! Will you listen to me? What the hell are you doing?”

“I’m opening the door,” Kirk replied. “I’m going in.”

“That door is there to stop us from getting irradiated! We’d be dead before we made the climb.”

“You’re not making the climb.” Kirk punched Scott out and dragged him to a chair.

Buffy followed him. Once Scott was secure, she knocked Kirk out. She placed him in a chair and activated the safety belts. She kneeled down to look at Kirk’s unconscious face. “You still don’t get it, do you, Jim?” she whispered. She patted his cheek. “Maybe you’ll understand soon.”

She walked to the door and opened it. Once it sealed behind her she moved deeper and deeper into the core of the ship. She crawled quickly through Jefferies tubes making sure she knew the direct way back to the same door. She swung down into the core room. Her engineering background was weak, but she could see something out of alignment.

Determining the bottom was out of alignment she leaned against it. There was a strong pulse as they realigned. She fell but stopped herself from going too far. Already she could feel the effects of the radiation. Since Slayers carried no immunities to it, she was hit full force. Heat followed her and she swallowed bile as she pulled herself through the Jefferies tubes.

Buffy pulled herself from the last tube. She managed to stand and walk through the inner door, with a few tries it opened. She closed it behind her and looked through the glass of the Danger door she had first entered. Kirk and Spock were watching her.

“Irradiation takes longer,” she told them as she sat down next to the glass.

“Open it,” Kirk demanded.

“The decontamination process is not complete. You’d flood the whole compartment. The door is locked, sir,” Scott told him.

“Ship floating?” Buffy asked as she sat down

“You have saved the crew,” Spock confirmed.

“Where is…Khan? Is he dead?”

“We do not know. His ship was severely damaged.”

“Stop him,” she said. “Bring him back. Alive.”

“Why would you want him alive?” Kirk demanded as Uhura skidded to a stop behind Scott.

“Because the Augments…it’s not their fault. Let them sleep and maybe someday they can wake up and try again.”

“To try and take over everything?”

“Your ancestors were violent, Khan and the others are just a product of their time, as I am.” She coughed, her lungs filling with fluid. “Go. Please.”

Spock and Kirk shared a look before they nodded and got to their feet, rushing away.

Scott and Uhura took their place in front of the glass door.

“This is going to take a little bit,” Buffy said. “Tell Mc-” she paused to cough, “Coy not to put me in a body bag.”

Uhura wiped a tear off her face.

“Don’t cry,” Buffy ordered softly. “I’ll be fine in no time.” Breathing was getting harder. Buffy wished silently for a blade or a blaster as the pain increased and fire burn. Then at last there was nothing.

!2017 august event, author: hermione2be, fandom: star trek

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